
TSM Thursday 2012 Number Nine

I “love” ALL of my sisters, but I LOVEEEEEE a select few of them. TSM  I’ve often been asked how I can love all my sisters.  That’s what sisterhood is.  You love everyone.  You would drop anything to help and be there for any of them at a moment’s notice.  That being said, while I love all of them, there are only a few I truly do LOOOVEEEE and that’s a much deeper bond.

I have enough credits to graduate in 3 years, but why would anyone want to? TSM.  Both Lilac and Stacey graduated early (two and three years, respectively).  It was a widely known fact that I also had enough credits to graduate early, even after switching my major.  Everyone asked why I didn’t and I always told them “College is about more than the classes you take and I have a year left to continue the experience.”

 When you go out to dinner and the alcohol bill is triple the amount of the food bill. TSM.  This is pretty much par for the course.  One of my friends once said “I have an allocated entertainment budget, but I could really replace ‘entertainment’ with ‘drinking’ and it would still be fairly accurate.  But for some reason, people aren’t fond of the idea of a drinking budget….”

That feeling of rage when you chip your manicure. TSM.   When I went to Allie’s wedding in California, I was trying to get my suitcase from the luggage carousel and I politely asked the people around me to move out of the way.  When they wouldn’t, I tried to grab my suitcase quickly, but it ended up snapping my manicure in the process.  I about died and bawled hysterically.  Thankfully, I managed to at least sort of fix the two nails in question before the bridal shower that same day.

My bridal party was finalized at Big/Little reveal, so my husband isn’t allowed to have sisters. TSM.   This is fairly accurate.  The other half was finalized in my K-12 schooling.  All I have to say is that my husband had better have several fraternity brothers that he likes.

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Six

March Madness is almost over, so you won’t have to deal with the distraction for much longer.  Without further ado, TSM Thursday.

You know it’s Greek Week when Red Bull has been cleared out of every convenience store on campus. TSM.  My Junior year of college, the Homecoming theme was “Go for the gold.”  A clever play on words for the Olympics and one of school colors.  We made a replica of our football stadium on a hill and called it “The city of gold.”  That year it was impossible to find anything gold.  Shirts, spray paint, dresses, accessories, paint…  You had to drive about two cities away to even find something gold!  (No guarantees it would be what you actually really wanted, either.)

God doesn’t give you the sisters you want, he gives you the sisters you need. TSM.   I think of it this way, Lilac and I didn’t always get along when we were in college.  But we are really close now.  We have each other for a reason, I think.  And whatever it is, I’m so glad I have her.  Stacey too.

Going to an interview and using your sorority as an example for every question. TSM.   Every time I’ve been asked about my serving experience, I mention feeding hungry fraternity men at philanthropies.  “You haven’t seen rowdy eaters until you’ve seen fraternity men eat pancakes!”

I mean, like, kinda. But not really. TSM.   This is one of my worst habits.  I always say this or “Yes, just like that, except…” or some variation of that.  I am also notorious for de-emphasizing things.  Like when asked how long Larissa and I (and the rest of the Fab Five or Seth) have known each other, my response is “It’s only been a bit.”  It’s been twenty years.  We’ve pretty much been friends our whole lives.

Group texting your sisters to coordinate your outfits for the bar. TSM.  Whenever Larissa and I have made plans that walk the fine line between what could be construed as sundress casual (Jake’s going away party, for example), but are probably planned by Larissa to be strictly casual (jeans and a tee), I always text her “Can I wear a sundress?”  She hates that question.  She used to offer an explanation.  Now, she just says no.

The One Time I was a Tight End

I know I keep saying I will talk about Pats, and I don’t know what it is, but sometimes there are events I don’t really feel like recounting in their entirety for whatever reason.  This may be one of those times.  So you might eventually hear about Pats in bits and pieces, or you may always wonder…

Either way, I did mention that there have been a lot less stories on here lately, and since I feel like that is a huge part of what makes this blog unique, I really feel like I should be getting back into the stories.

So, here’s one I jokingly brought up after my fall down the stairs when I had a bit of a fat lip from hitting myself in the face with my purse (yes, it sounds clumsy, no it was not my fault).

My senior year of college, we were paired with SAE for Greek Week.  One of my favorite events in all of Greek Week was always Frat Football (the one acceptable time to use “frat” as a term).  Even if it was bitterly cold, I would go.  This year was one of the bitterly cold years for whatever reason.  So off I went with my sweatshirt and my “We love SAE” sign with a big red heart.

SAE eventually won the whole tournament, besting nine-year champion Pi Kapp.  It was serious business.  (And you know me, I ached a little for Evan and sophomore year)

I don’t remember what game we were on, but I do remember that SAE was playing Kappa Sig.  There I was on the sidelines with my crafted sign, cheering my hardest.  We all saw the SAE and Kappa Sig come barreling toward us.  And I thought we all stepped back, but there I was on the ground moments later.

I legitimately flew six feet.  The SAE helped me up, asked if I was okay and said “Thanks for taking one for the team” when I consciously assured him I was.  Then he had “words” with the Kappa Sig before returning to the game.

I remember a girl I loathed being catty about the whole thing, I shot her a look, checked that I wasn’t missing any teeth, thanked whoever was responsible for my good fortune, and went on with my day.

Upon going home, I realized that I had a swelled lip and a few bruises.  It was clearly beautiful.  But I got a quick cup of coffee with Rebekah, and returned to frat football (to watch the hoped for, but unexpected, defeat of Pi Kapp) before going to Songfest practice.

That night the SAEs had a victory party and I was greeted with more than a few “You’re the girl that got tackled!  That was awesome!” comments.  I was a small celebrity for a day.

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Three

And it’s been a while since we had a TSM Thursday, here, so with a small fanfare, it is back.

A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men. TSM.  So true!  Any guy that I see in a blazer, sweater vest, suit, sports coat, whatever.  Heaven.  Pure heaven.  And even the most attractive men somehow get hotter in dress clothing.  I don’t even know.

Every time I walk into Michaels I want to take another little. TSM.  Every time I walk in there, I get more and more craft ideas.  It’s bad.  Very bad indeed.  And then I plan a few of them anyway.

Obsessing over your Little and idolizing your Big. TSM.  To this day, this is still my life.  Everyone in the family gets cards  for Pats in a week!  Oops, I may have just spoiled the surprise.

Writing notes in different colored pens because it makes them look prettier. TSM.  Ask anyone who has gotten a birthday card from me this year.  Most were written in pink and orange.  but all my military letters are in black and blue ink.  Well, actually, I wrote a Mardi Gras week card to Colin in green, I think. Or maybe purple…  I don’t remember.

I don’t understand walks of shame. My boys always drive me home. TSM.  I have never had to be shambley alone.  In college if I wasn’t driven, I was walked.  Now, I always get a ride.  I’m just that good.  And then things happen like Rich’s car ending up in a snow bank…

Well, glad that’s back!  Tomorrow, I have a great story for you…  Just great…

November Resolution Check In

So it’s the first day of November 2011…  Time to check in on our resolutions/Bucket Lists again!

Here is the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  Travel is still just Vegas, possibly?  Probably?  I am going to California for Allie’s wedding in December/January.  Lilac and I were talking about a trip to Montana and Wyoming at some point.  Because she was shocked I’d never been to Wyoming.

2.  Get an apartment:  The story here is the same as it is every month, pretty much.  But I might be changing career fields completely, so we’ll see.

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  As of today, November first, this is my 300 and somethingth post.  I don’t know.  I have some drafts I need to get on posting.

Notes from last time:

The Beauty Bootcamp is going well thanks to an app on my baby.

As far as visiting the alma mater, I have been there three times in October.

And from 24 by 24 (I’ll only list the ones with some headway that haven’t been mentioned above):

11.  Watch Titanic sixteen more times.  I watched it once in October.  I’m watching it right now, but this isn’t exactly October.  Nine more to go officially (but I’m working on that ninth viewing now).

12.2.  House Maintenance.  I’m not really following FlyLady to an exact science, but I’ve got my own routine down.

20.  Meet a nice guy in a bar.  I also met Cameron and Jason.  One’s new, one’s not going as well as it could be…  We’ll see….

22.  Embrace being a woo girl.  I’ve kind of traded this in for being a Coloradoan belle.  It’s going well.

23.  Complete at least 3/4 of NaNoWriMo.  It’s November first!  GO!

25.  Get back into being Greek.  I slacked a little this month due to transportation issues.  I hope to change that this month.

We’ll check on this Bucket list in December again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists.

TSM Thursday Number Ten

And it’s Thursday…!

I am amazed by how few pictures I took pre-sorority. TSM.  Every time I look back through my pictures, I notice this.  It’s a weird phenomenon.

Baking is like edible crafting. TSM.  Is cooking like crafting too?  Because then I have no idea why I’m bad at it.  But baking, baking I get.

I might know him. What fraternity is he in? TSM.  I did this all the time.  Sometimes, I still do this.  Whenever I try and play the “who do you know that I know?” game, I always use Greek people.

“Doing lunch” but chatting nonstop instead of eating. TSM.  Doing lunch or coffee is pretty much an excuse to chatter incessantly.

Making sure composite day isn’t just a good hair day, it’s a great hair day. TSM.  This reminds me of the DMV.  So many of my friends are extremely envious of my good-looking license picture.  They ask how I look so good after admitting they rolled out of bed and went.  Do they forget their picture is getting taken and that they have to carry it around for the next ten years at least?  I always go looking picture perfect.

TSM Thursday Number Nine

Here’s to another week of TSM.

Gameday pictures: behind every girl’s back is a cup. TSM.  I wouldn’t even say this is only true of gameday.  Any time there wasn’t a suitable place to put down a drink for a picture, behind the back it goes.  I can’t even count the number of pictures I have like this.  And then there’s the ones where you want to link arms and then the cup’s behind someone else’s back.

Can’t I just be a cuddlepiece with t-shirt privileges? TSM.  This sounds awesome.  I gave these shirts away when I graduated, but I kept the ones that were actual gifts to me.  I have a pair of Pi Kapp shorts from Evan that I still cherish (mostly because they are so comfy).

Replacing the word “cowboy” with “frat boy” when singing country songs so that they are more relevant to your life. TSM.  I give you a flashback to 2006-2008 when I enjoyed such theme parties as “Save a Horse, Ride a Pi Kapp,” “Save a Horse, Ride a Kappa Sig,” “Save a Horse, Ride a Sig Ep,” and “Save a Horse, Ride a Pike.”  Looking back, these don’t make much sense because the song was released in April 2004…  But I guess it was an easy theme for a cowboy party.  Though I’m trying to decide if it’s more or less classy than Whiskey and Tits, if nothing else, the latter is more original.

Our pledge class is def totes presh & perf. TSM  Another flashback to 20o7/2008 when we were obsessed with abreves, obvi.  I remember one particular incident when I went to Lilac’s dorm and there was a board up “translating” words into abreves.  One of them was wrong, I forget which one, but I commented on it and the look on Lilac’s face definitely characterized our loving, but partially one-sided loving, relationship for the next couple years.

If the party’s not themed, it’s not our scene. TSM.  Just thought I would reiterate my love of theme parties.

TSM Thursday Number Eight

And we’re back!  Let’s look at this week’s TSM posts.

5 nights of Halloween, 5 different group costumes. TSM.  Not group costumes per se, but I will wear a different costume each day.  Because I’m awesome, mostly.  Wait for it.  It will be great.

Bringing 5 pairs of shoes home for a 2 day weekend. I need options. TSM.  If you’ve been with us long enough, you remember that I suffer from over-packing syndrome for this exact reason.  You can actually read about it here.

Feeling closer to your sorority sisters rather than your actual family members. TSM.  My momma always used to get annoyed when it was about time to head back to college and I would say “I can’t wait to go back home.”  These things happen…

Looking extra cute when you’re having a bad day makes everything better. TSM.  I always try to look cute every day because it makes me happy.  And I feel like when you’re happy, the day just goes better for you.

PFD: Potential Formal Date. TSM.  It takes a lot to narrow down a formal date.  Everyone had lists of PFDs.  I have one going right now too, but it’s of PWDs: Potential Wedding Dates.

TSM Thursday Number Seven

Welcome back to TSM Thursday!  Here we go!

Not only can I walk in heels sober, I can dance in them drunk. TSM.  I feel like I’ve said this several times, but I am a high heel champion.  I rarely, if ever, take my shoes off in public.  And, isn’t that a true mark of classiness?  I think so.

ASR: (n) Automatic Snapping Reflex. TSM.  I have a confession to make.  When I agree with things, even now, I still snap in agreement.  I can’t help it.  I don’t even know how this is.

There’s a PDF file for my big/little family tree. TSM.  I absolutely have one of these.  I make sure to update it yearly too.

I haven’t met my grandlittle yet but I already love her more than your parents love you. TSM.  If you replace “grandlittle” with “great-great grandlittle,” then you have a more accurate picture of my current situation here.

Bow in the hair, crafts on the counter, and dress-up box under the bed. Who says I have to grow up? TSM.  Yup, that’s pretty much right.  I can’t wait to tell you all about my next craft!  Get excited.  I may have slightly mentioned it in this post…  Yay.

TSM Thursday Number Six

Welcome back, y’all!  Here’s this Thursday’s installment.

I’m not clumsy…the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall gets in the way. TSM.  Vic was talking to me the other day about all of my bruises.  He asked where they were from.  That’s a good question…  He then made fun of me for not knowing where anything was from.  It’s not my fault.  The world has it out for me some days.

It’s not a hangover. It’s wine flu. TSM.  OH my gosh, last Saturday.  This is exactly how I felt.

Dancing on a sister until the creeper goes away. TSM.  True story, this is the best way to avoid creepy guys at dance clubs.  Bars, I don’t really have this problem, but dance clubs in Denver?  Definitely.

I don’t understand how the US Postal Service is lacking business. I always mail my handwritten thank-you cards. TSM.  I give them so much business with my notes, postcards, cookies around the holidays.  All sorts of stuff.

Stunting a girl up to get a tack off the wall instead of using a ladder. TSM.  There was one time my sophomore year of college that we had an outside philanthropy and we brought one of our banners to hang on the wall.  We couldn’t quite reach it from the floor, so we piled together and everyone else decided that I was the smallest.  So they all stunted me up to get the banner up on the wall.  Who needs ladders?  Clearly.