November Resolution Check In

So it’s the first day of November 2011…  Time to check in on our resolutions/Bucket Lists again!

Here is the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  Travel is still just Vegas, possibly?  Probably?  I am going to California for Allie’s wedding in December/January.  Lilac and I were talking about a trip to Montana and Wyoming at some point.  Because she was shocked I’d never been to Wyoming.

2.  Get an apartment:  The story here is the same as it is every month, pretty much.  But I might be changing career fields completely, so we’ll see.

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  As of today, November first, this is my 300 and somethingth post.  I don’t know.  I have some drafts I need to get on posting.

Notes from last time:

The Beauty Bootcamp is going well thanks to an app on my baby.

As far as visiting the alma mater, I have been there three times in October.

And from 24 by 24 (I’ll only list the ones with some headway that haven’t been mentioned above):

11.  Watch Titanic sixteen more times.  I watched it once in October.  I’m watching it right now, but this isn’t exactly October.  Nine more to go officially (but I’m working on that ninth viewing now).

12.2.  House Maintenance.  I’m not really following FlyLady to an exact science, but I’ve got my own routine down.

20.  Meet a nice guy in a bar.  I also met Cameron and Jason.  One’s new, one’s not going as well as it could be…  We’ll see….

22.  Embrace being a woo girl.  I’ve kind of traded this in for being a Coloradoan belle.  It’s going well.

23.  Complete at least 3/4 of NaNoWriMo.  It’s November first!  GO!

25.  Get back into being Greek.  I slacked a little this month due to transportation issues.  I hope to change that this month.

We’ll check on this Bucket list in December again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists.

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