Archive | March 2013

March 2013 Check-In

Hello friends.  So, you remember that blogging more thing?  Oops.  I had a surprisingly busy February, despite work being slow.  So, yup, slightly failing.  Moving on.

1.  Travel to at least four new states.  I did make it to Vegas last month, more on that later.  Steph and I also have tickets to see Luke Bryan at Cheyenne Frontier Days in July.

2.  Get my first apartment.  I should be moving in sometime in the next week.  Just waiting to hear from them on the official date.

3.  Get my first car.  Boom.  Done.

8.  Go gambling and win.  I went gambling and lost.  But only twenty dollars.  Pretty good accomplishment, I’d say.

16.  Pick up something active.  I’ve signed up for one relay (in April) and one 5K (in July).  Still working on the Couch to 5K app, though not as well as I had been.

17.  Track monthly/weekly spending.  I’m tracking said spending.  Keeping on top of it, again, not going so well.  Making rent this month has been slightly terrifying.

18.  Create and maintain a budget.  I’ve tweaked a bit of the budget.  I guess part of maintaining a budget is adjusting it as necessary.

19.  Create and maintain an exercise plan.  I’ve created my cardio routine, now I just have to settle into the rest of the things.

21.  Try a new Pinterest recipe every two weeks.  I have a couple of recipes I’ve tried that I would like to share soon.

22.  Try a new Pinterest craft every two weeks.  I have a t-shirt project I’d like to share.  It’s not from Pinterest, but it is pretty exciting.

23.  Get extra organized.  February was little things month.  March is packing month and once I get into the new place, I can start organizing from scratch the way I like.

26.  Create and maintain traditions.  The Arizona game attendance tradition was continued.  Also Dustin Lynch.

How about everyone else’s February?