Tag Archive | weddings

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Fourteen

The only bad thing about living with your big is deciding whether to caption your pictures “Big and Little” or “roomies.” TSM.  This happened to Stacey and I quite a bit when we roomed together.  I think we generally settled on “Big and Little.”

Always responding “Oh I LOVE her!” when someone asks if you know a girl in your sorority, even if you’ve only talked to her once. TSM.  I generally tend to say this whenever someone knows anyone I know.  Usually it’s true, but I remember one time when someone and I played the “who do you know that I know” game and I mentioned a guy I thought was really nice, but odds that they actually knew each other were low considering I only mentioned him because he was the only other person I’d ever met from New Mexico.  Well, the guy did know him from high school and called him a prick.  I was pretty upset and it colored our interactions from then on.  So it’s always better to err on the side of loving the person, just in case.  But like I said, it’s usually true since I love pretty much everybody.

I love life and it loves me right back. TSM.  This is my sunny disposition.  I figure life is too full of good things to be disappointed by the bad things that happen sometimes.

Big knows best. TSM.  Every time I try to give Lilac and Stacey advice and they ignore it, only to come back later and tell me that I was right, this is how I feel.  I don’t tell them that, but this always crosses my mind.

Getting married before the age of 25 sounds a lot like leaving a party before 10:00. TSM. Dylan has this bet going about which of our early wedded friends are going to divorce first.  I tell him that’s terrible and they will all be the exceptions.  But for myself, this is the idea I’m going with.

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Nine

I “love” ALL of my sisters, but I LOVEEEEEE a select few of them. TSM  I’ve often been asked how I can love all my sisters.  That’s what sisterhood is.  You love everyone.  You would drop anything to help and be there for any of them at a moment’s notice.  That being said, while I love all of them, there are only a few I truly do LOOOVEEEE and that’s a much deeper bond.

I have enough credits to graduate in 3 years, but why would anyone want to? TSM.  Both Lilac and Stacey graduated early (two and three years, respectively).  It was a widely known fact that I also had enough credits to graduate early, even after switching my major.  Everyone asked why I didn’t and I always told them “College is about more than the classes you take and I have a year left to continue the experience.”

 When you go out to dinner and the alcohol bill is triple the amount of the food bill. TSM.  This is pretty much par for the course.  One of my friends once said “I have an allocated entertainment budget, but I could really replace ‘entertainment’ with ‘drinking’ and it would still be fairly accurate.  But for some reason, people aren’t fond of the idea of a drinking budget….”

That feeling of rage when you chip your manicure. TSM.   When I went to Allie’s wedding in California, I was trying to get my suitcase from the luggage carousel and I politely asked the people around me to move out of the way.  When they wouldn’t, I tried to grab my suitcase quickly, but it ended up snapping my manicure in the process.  I about died and bawled hysterically.  Thankfully, I managed to at least sort of fix the two nails in question before the bridal shower that same day.

My bridal party was finalized at Big/Little reveal, so my husband isn’t allowed to have sisters. TSM.   This is fairly accurate.  The other half was finalized in my K-12 schooling.  All I have to say is that my husband had better have several fraternity brothers that he likes.

TSM Thursday Number Eight

And we’re back!  Let’s look at this week’s TSM posts.

5 nights of Halloween, 5 different group costumes. TSM.  Not group costumes per se, but I will wear a different costume each day.  Because I’m awesome, mostly.  Wait for it.  It will be great.

Bringing 5 pairs of shoes home for a 2 day weekend. I need options. TSM.  If you’ve been with us long enough, you remember that I suffer from over-packing syndrome for this exact reason.  You can actually read about it here.

Feeling closer to your sorority sisters rather than your actual family members. TSM.  My momma always used to get annoyed when it was about time to head back to college and I would say “I can’t wait to go back home.”  These things happen…

Looking extra cute when you’re having a bad day makes everything better. TSM.  I always try to look cute every day because it makes me happy.  And I feel like when you’re happy, the day just goes better for you.

PFD: Potential Formal Date. TSM.  It takes a lot to narrow down a formal date.  Everyone had lists of PFDs.  I have one going right now too, but it’s of PWDs: Potential Wedding Dates.

Wedding and Costume Shopping

So after the GRE, I spent some time with Layla.  We picked up my dress and went Halloween costume shopping.

In case you forgot my dress, here it is.  And, here are my shoes.

I’m a vision in cranberry, basically.

So now my dress is hanging in my closet waiting for December…  I feel like I forgot to tell you all that Larissa’s wedding move up a week…  Oh right, it totally did.

Anyway, Layla and I also looked at Halloween costumes.  I can’t really find anything I like.  Well, that’s a lie.  I like a lot of things.  But nothing I really really really like.  And why buy something unless you really really really like it, you know?

Actually,  I did decide on a potential Halloween costume for this year, but I can’t find it anywhere.  This is probably for the best.  If I can’t find it, I can’t buy it.  And then I’ll spend my money on other things…  Like my loans?  Or saving for a car?

I really need to work on that second job.

Anyway, TSM Thursday tomorrow!

More on Larissa’s Wedding

So the wedding is now in four months.  Yikes.  Four months?  Only dated the guy for a year and they spend almost half of that engaged.

Part of me says “You know when you know.”  The other part says “Yeah?  Well I know Larissa.”  It’s a complicated web of emotions.  In any case, I picked out my dress.

In kindness, Larissa decided that she wanted all the dresses (and all the shoes) to be the same color, so they are able to be worn again.  Well, the shoes won’t fit me, so we’ll see about that…  But I found a dress I absolutely love.

Here it is:   http://www.davidsbridal.com/Product_Short-Strapless-Pick-Up-Dress-84091

I’m still looking around at shoes and will hopefully have something picked out within the week.

Weddings are expensive!

The Last Girl Standing… Well, Kind of…

So, a big thing happened while I was gone for two months.

Both Hailey and Addy got married.

Amanda, who was engaged, broke off her engagement for her career.

And Larissa…  Oh Larissa….

She got engaged and is getting married in the next year.  She asked me to be a bridesmaid.

Cue the weirdness about weddings all over again.  What worries me the most is that had Amanda not broken off her e engagement, I would have been the last girl standing in the Fab Five.

In a way, I still am the last girl standing.

What does this mean for me?  I don’t know.  I hope that it doesn’t make me start to settle.

I don’t think it will, but time will tell….  Yay….

Weddings Stress Everyone Out!

So I thought about telling you all about all of the wedding, and then I decided to make this wedding week.  You know you love it.

So, Hailey originally asked Amanda and I to help with passing out programs and collecting gifts.  She wanted us to start this around 4:45.

As I started driving up, I ran into some traffic, so I sent Amanda text to let her know I may be a little late, that way, she would be sure to arrive on time.  It’s hard to gauge when one will arrive at a wedding in the mountains, you know?

Well, around four, I received a call from Larissa…  It went something like this:

“Where are you?!”

The truth is, I was deep in mountain country at this point, so the fact that I had cell service was impressive…  It also meant I didn’t have many road signs, if any, to indicate where exactly I was.

“I don’t know…”

“What do you mean you don’t know?!”

I read the first sign I managed to find.  This did not placate Larissa.

“We depended on you!  And you have the gall not to show up for Hailey’s wedding!  You’re such a bitch!”

“Hailey doesn’t need me until 4:45!  Why are you yelling at me?”

And then my reception went out or Larissa hung up on me.

This wouldn’t be a problem, except her calling lost my directions.

So I had to stop for directions, a ten minute hold over.

And, guess what time I arrived?


Had Larissa not called me (or called me a “bitch” for that matter), I would have been on time.

I asked Hailey’s mother if it was all right to kill Larissa, and she simply said “Hailey doesn’t need that many bridesmaids.”

So, tomorrow, the cardinal rule about weddings!

For Hailey


It’s finally your big day!  I am so happy for you and Russ.  I love you both and many congratulations!

May your cup always be full and blah blah blah.  I could write you a wedding toast, but it’s the feelings that matter, right?

I’ll see you later today anyway.

Lots of love, again!!


For everyone else, you can hear about the wedding tomorrow.

Larissa Explains it All, Part Three… Just Kidding!

I forgot yet another thing I wanted to say about my conversation with Larissa, but I had some other things to talk about as well, so there’s that.

So, continuing with Larissa, she asked when I was planning on driving up on Sunday.

“Can I go with you?  I need to be there for the rehearsal at ten.”

“I have work until early afternoon.  I don’t need to be up there for the rehearsal anyway, so driving up that early seems silly.”

“Why not?”


So then she was upset at me for not skipping work to drive her, of course.

She also disparaged Addy’s car in the process, so there’s that.

Anyway, happier and sadder things…

First sad.  I found Bronty on the floor while cleaning yesterday (you may remember him from my post about Easter, yes, he is the Easter dinosaur).  It made me a little sad to see him, but I set him on my bed anyway and he made me smile a bit.  It sucks when things that make you so happy make you really sad.

But, on a happier note, I talked to Shawn a few days ago and he’s narrowed down his job searches to NYC, San Fransisco, and Denver.

And Denver, you guys.

I didn’t tell him my personal preference and instead joked that he could hang out in Pennsylvania with me over the summer.

But maybe everything is working out the way I hope?  That would be nice after this past week…

Anyway, that’s all I have to report here.

Larissa Explains it All, Part Two

I forgot the two “best” parts of my conversation with Larissa yesterday.  Which is for the best, because otherwise, I would be telling you all that I was cleaning again today, yay….

So Larissa’s final conclusion about Addy’s wedding was “You shouldn’t be getting married if you can’t afford to invite everyone.”  You know, because a marriage is all about the wedding ceremony, not spending your lives together or anything.

Anyway, I also forgot that one of my responses to her feelings was “Well, now you know how I felt about Hailey’s bridal party.”

“You still get to go to the wedding.  It’s not the same.”

“I felt left out, you feel left out now.  That’s pretty much the same feeling.”

“Well, I deserved it after her sister wasn’t anymore.  I did so much for her in preparation.”  (Translation, she drove when Hailey couldn’t.)

“What could I do from Pennsylvania?”

“You still could have helped.”

“From two thousand miles away…”

“You still could have helped.”

It’s all about Larissa, folks!