Tag Archive | correspondence

To-Do List Tuesday 2012 Number Two

Tuesday is apparently my usual day off from work and the only one I’m guaranteed, apparently.  So here’s back to To-Do List Tuesday.




Write this post

Update on the list


Figuring out what to bring to Vinny’s party

Make plans with Littles

Craft–I miss it!

Clean some more

Buy a picture frame for GGB

Clean even more than I already noted

Make time for posting!

To-Do List Tuesday 2012 Number One

So the second post of 2011 is on my first day off from work, so it’s also to-do list tuesday!  Yay!  More on football tomorrow…  Thursday we’re back to TSMs.  And then on friday, new blog features for the year.  Saturday, I don’t know yet…  And sunday one of those new blog features.  Get excited.

Anyway, on with the To-Do List!


Create exercise regiment

Finish notebook

Personal calls

Edit resume

See Lilac


Second job search

See Hailey

Buy birthday cards

Finish letter

Thank you notes

Have you ever noticed the sheer numbers of to-dos at the beginning of the year?