
Some Lame TV News…

Well, it’s not, lame tv news, but it’s kind of lame that I’m telling you all tv news.

I had a long day at the alma mater yesterday, so it took me a while to get back…  And thus, tv news.

How I Met Your Mother Gets Two More Seasons:  Legen….   wait for it! And I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the next word is  dary!  Legendary!  Okay awesome.

Fall 2011 TV Scorecard:  Who else got renewed?  Glee, awesome.  And Two and a Half Men…  I guess tiger blood is keeping this show alive…

Fifteen True Blood Spoilers:  I want to cry…  And go read Dead to the World… again.  This is my favorite Sookie Stackhouse novel and those spoilers terrify me.

This is how I feel about two upcoming Leo movies…  The Great Gatsby and The Devil in the White City.  I love Leo, but the books are so amazing and books and movies…  But Leo…  It’s difficult at best.  Definitely read the books before you see the movies.

Side note, this is also how I felt about the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice (my favorite book).  But the BBC mini series, awesome.


This is sort of TV news, but I was watching the 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables on tv tonight and I think Colm Wilkinson has found work for life for originating Jean Valjean.  Like, twenty-five years later, he’s still doing this….  Crazy right?

Two good notes about Les Miserables:

One, it is probably my second favorite book of all time.  I say probably because I am ninety percent sure it is my second favorite book.

Two, Bree and I are going to see the 25th anniversary US tour.  Yay!

September Fourth

Today, today I am an in a funk.  I haven’t got much to say about art or anything Septembery.  I am simply here because I made a promise to myself to write a post on this blog every day.  So, here is the post for September fourth.

I’ve been filling out job applications.  Hopefully something will come through soon.

Only one week until I will be helping with recruitment, and by then, I should be over my funk because, unlike everyone else, recruitment always cheers me up. And this year, it should be twice as cheerful because I can go home when everything’s said and done.  On the same note, I need to send my dues in to the Denver alumnae chapter by Monday.

This post is apparently mostly a to do list…

What else?  I finished reading Dead in the Family and I can only guess what will come next year.  I’m currently reading some of the short stories and am about to start Les Miserables, which is fitting for my mood…

The Rocky Mountain Showdown went off without a hitch, like I knew it would, and actually went much better than I thought.  The alma mater walked away with a 24-3 victory, so yay.  I love the start of the college football season.

And, yup, that’s pretty much September fourth.

Good Quotes

So I woke up this morning and knew that last night was unfortunate.  I am currently consoling myself with Dead in the Family.  I’m enjoying all the time I’ve been able to spend reading things I like.  Sadly, I am almost out of Sookie Stackhouse novels.  The next one won’t be out until next May, probably, so in the meantime, I think I will get back to rereading Les Miserables.  It’s one of my favorite books, actually, and it should keep me occupied for a while.  Today, my best friend Steph is taking the GRE–she actually started a half hour ago.  I’m not worried about her; she’s an engineer.  To celebrate, we’re going to have girls’ night some time next week and see a Rockies game.  It’s going to be awesome.  I think tomorrow we might watch the Rocky Mountain Showdown at a sports bar.  If only I wasn’t a poor Post-Grad, then I could have bought tickets, but I’d rather save my money for Georgia and Homecoming against Tech.

But anyway, since last night was apparently an unfortunate one, I couldn’t think of anything to write about this morning.  I checked Facebook (which I haven’t been checking every day lately, but my phone said I had a few messages) and I noticed a quote on my profile.  I think I put it there my junior year of college when I took Literary Theory.  The professor was one of my favorites going through college because she was always hysterical and interesting.  During a discussion on Postmodernism, she said the following statement and it has always been one of my favorites since, as it stands, it’s in the little box under my picture.  I don’t really know if anyone else pays attention to those.  Anyway, the quote is:

“The world is meaningless? Let’s not pretend that art can make meaning then, let’s just play with nonsense.”

To really understand postmodernism, you need to understand modernism.  They are actually pretty similar, aside from what this quote emulates.  Modernism is a focus on lamenting the fragmentation and incoherence of the modern world, such as war.  Modernism has a lot to do with the concept of war, generally and for whatever reason.  This lament seems to support the idea that the world is meaningless.  Postmodernism, in contrast, recognizes the meaningless in the world and rather than lamenting it, it celebrates it.

I like the idea of celebrating nonsense.  So much happens in the world that doesn’t make any sense at all.  Even in each individual person’s life, so much is nonsensical.  I rather like the idea of taking this as something to appreciate rather than fear.

In any case, this is something that has always stuck with me since I heard it junior year.

I think everyone has some sort of quote or idea that sticks out to them.  So I feel like the little box under the profile picture says a lot about a person.  I’ve had a nerdy English major quote under my picture for about two years now.  One of my other friends changes her quote every few months and it’s always something hysterical.  Many of my Greek friends note their sorority affiliation.  The quotes people associate with themselves is a marker of who they are.

A good quote says a lot about a person.

Also, if you would like to read more about postmodernism, here’s a link to some notes on it: Postmodernism

Deidree the Arteest

As I said yesterday, this month’s theme on NaBloPoMo is “Art.”  So, I’m going to talk about my first major.  But first, here’s a daily update.  I had a follow-up appointment this morning for my surgery.  Apparently, I’m healing well.  I’m currently on “Dead and Gone” and I was able to get “Dead in the Family” at the library, so I won’t have to buy it to read it, yay.  I mean, of course I’ll be buying it when it comes out on paperback, but this surgery is giving me a lot of time to read, so I don’t really want to wait that long to read it if it’s out.  I have nothing against hardcover books, but all my other books in the series are paperback, so it would just stick out awkwardly compared to the others.  I’m currently on season five of Gilmore Girls and I just watched my favorite episode “You Jump, I Jump, Jack.”  Logan is my favorite Rory boyfriend, easily.  That’s pretty much what’s going on post-surgery.  I heard from Shawn too, so that was interesting.

Regardless, I started college in Fall 2006.  This was around the time when I had high hopes for my future career in art.  Clearly, that didn’t happen.  However, I actually made it through three semesters as an art major.  I took two foundations courses, a drawing course, and two art history courses.  The art history courses were great.  I’ve always found art history to be really interesting, plus you get to look at a bunch of pictures for all of lecture.  Really, it’s just pretty awesome in general.  The only downside was that the book was a beast.  The drawing class was alright too.  I got to keep art supplies in a tool box and I turned an iclicker brown with chalk.  My favorite was our art trip to the mountains.

But Foundations…  Foundations was hell.

I never really know quite how to explain it, but let’s pretend you decide to be an art major in college.  If you want to be an art major, you already know what you’re good at from having taken other art courses in your life.  By this point in time, you would be very certain of your art weaknesses.  However, Foundations decides that you need to do everything and be judged by your skill, no matter how long you worked on it or what kind of effort you put into it.  Oh, and it was easily six hours of class time a week, plus outside work, and only worth three credits for two semesters.  Ridiculous.  Also, every art history major had to take both semesters of Foundations and I know quite a few of them hated the art requirement.  I don’t blame them since I was an art major and I hated it.

During my third semester as an art major, I decided to switch my major to English, which has always resonated better with me.  So at the end of that journey, I went back to my books.  I also haven’t drawn much in forever.  Foundations just does that; it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.  My only regret is that I didn’t get a chance to take a photography course.

Anyway, there’s my short story of my time as an artist.

Help! I’m Post-Grad…

The appropriate title for this posting is the same as the blog, “Help!  I’m Post-Grad…”,  as this is currently how I feel about my life right now.  I graduated in May with a degree in English and I have no idea what I’m going to do in the near future, but not because of the degree.  I feel like since I only graduated in May, this isn’t so bad.  But I’m about to go stir crazy and have to start doing something soon…  The fact that I am currently recovering from surgery isn’t helping.  Hopefully I’ll be fully recovered soon.  I also just got back from my summer job, so I need to find a new job as soon as possible.  Partly for money, but mostly for my sanity.

In the meantime, I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls and reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels–I’m currently on From Dead to Worse.  I’m excited to be able to exercise soon and get back to my tennis as well as job searches, alumni events, and other hobbies.  I’m so used to being busy all the time.  I really can’t wait to get back to that again.   Eventually, I want to be an elementary school teacher, so getting my credentials is in the near future life plan.

In any case, this blog is a little on the short side, but I feel as though it’s a fair introduction to what this whole thing is about.  I actually decided to start this blog because my gay best friend told me to start writing something while I’m recovering to give me something to do.  He knows me so well…  So, on that note,  I think I want to talk about weddings tomorrow.  I promise it will be enjoyable.