
Two Months of Vacation?

So I don’t know if anyone missed me?  I’m back!  (sort of)

I have a lot to say!  A lot!

But for now, I just wanted to direct you all back to posts you may have missed in my absence, like keeping up with the bucket list and the end of wedding week?

I’m trying to decide what to talk about first…  Ah, I have so much to tell you all it’s not even funny!  I’d ask what you want to hear, but I’m deciding what’s most important…  I’ll think about it and let you know tomorrow.  Actually, I’m eighty percent sure of what I want to talk about tomorrow.

I’ll leave it at that.  But, I’m back, yay!  Sorry for not keeping in touch the last couple months, but I was so happy to see everyone still checking up on me.

The Post That’s Lamer than September Fourth

I was trying to get another update to the Montreal story up today, but I got distracted by an artist whose name I can’t remember.  So, hopefully the Montreal story will get out tomorrow…  But the guy’s name is going to bug me!

I went running today and watched Titanic.  This is what I do with my life.  Anyway, the exciting bit about that, though, is only fourteen more viewings to go.

Also trivia tomorrow, yay!

Ooh, and game night with Bree tonight, yay!

Hey guys (September Fourth)

So I have intense work shift coverage today.  You know, all my shifts I haven’t had for a week…  Now I’m having them all at once, yay….

I got in a fight with one of my friends last night/this morning.  Who really knows how that will turn out.  I kind of had to lay down the law though.

Family dinner was lots of fun.  I was so happy to see my fam again.  It has split off into half the branch, though, which does make sense and is probably for the best.  You know, since it was getting so large and everyone who kept the branches close-knit has graduated.

Anyway, that’s pretty much it.

Oh, the alma mater won today, yay!!!  34-14!

Guys, I’m Sick

Yeah, today has been no fun.  I’m sick, but thankfully not to the level of the day where I couldn’t keep a single thing down.  I forget what I talked about that day…  Oh, I actually wrote a really writing intensive post that day…

Well, now I feel kind of pathetic.  I’m blaming the cold.

Let’s see…  Tomorrow is family dinner.  And pretty much nothing else exciting is going on.  I work tomorrow.  That’s exciting.

Here’s an interesting article I found about shopping for air fare in the meantime.  It details How to Find Cheap Airfare, you know, one of the things I care about lately.

Anyway, enjoy.  I’m really sorry that we’re going back to September Fourth.

September fourth: September Twenty-Third

Today was my first day of work, so I’m a little tired to come up with something exciting to write…  Even a letter…  So sorry.

No football scores today, but next week is Georgia and I’m still trying to get tickets!  Oye….

What else….  I get to see Bree on Monday, so yay!

I have to be at work at 8 AM on Saturday for more training, gross.

And….  I’ve been trying to see Brody for a few days now and it’s getting annoying, haha.  Hopefully we’ll go Halloween costume shopping soon.  :)

And…  yup, that’s pretty much it…  Sorry September twenty-third is so boring.

Oh, actually, I have a short story to tell.  So right now the new members of my sorority are in the midst of their new member period, so here’s a story from when I was a new member:

As a gift for our Bigs, we are supposed to decorate paddles and give them to them on initiation.  My Big, Erika, already had three other Littles, so I had to make my paddle awesome.  I had bought a bunch of wood pieces, such as hearts and big double layer block letters.  I also had thirty different colors of paint.  My paddle was going to be awesome!

Kristin and I had bonded at our New Member sleepover, so on the day we received our paddles, we were both riding the bus back to our dorm.  This was back in the days when the bus was awful and sucked at timeliness.

But anyway, we were sitting on the bus when a guy started chatting with us.  “Are those paddles, ladies?”

“Yes…”  We both answered hesitantly.

“I was just wondering…  Who do you hit with them?”

Kristin and I stared blankly at him.  Then we turned to each other.  We were completely shocked.

“Like, do the older girls hit you with them?  Do you hit each other?”

“This isn’t Animal House,” I finally managed to stammer.

And yes, I know, there is no paddling in Animal House…

September Fourth: September Twentieth

Alright, I can only write a short update post today because I have to leave for Orientation in a bit here, so I’ve only got so much time for my blogging today.

I had a bit of a late night with Brody last night and a really early morning running errands (think leaving Brody’s place around four, getting home at four thirty and waking up at six forty).  I hate early morning errands, haha.

What else…  I’m helping the Denver chapter with recruitment later this week.  And I also have a lot of work, actually, so I’m pretty excited.

Steph leaves tomorrow…  It’s nice she was here for a couple more days.

Oh, I heard from Keith last night.  I’ve actually been hearing from him a bit more lately, which is so nice.  And I might get to go to the Georgia game with him, so yay.

And…  Oh, tomorrow, I’m starting Operation:  Room Redecoration, so I’ll talk about that tomorrow.  I have a surgery follow-up tomorrow too, so it’s going to be a fun day….

Anyway, until tomorrow!  Oh, and on Saturday, the alma mater played Hawaii and we won 31-13, yay!  Also, Halloween is in 41 days, yay!

September Fourth: September Sixteenth

I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

I’m also really sad because Steph is leaving for Arizona on Sunday.  I can’t believe she’s going!  I’ll miss her so much!  :(

Um, what else?  I baked cookies for our alumnae meeting, but I have extras and Brody won’t eat them, so I’m not sure what to do with them…

I start computer training tomorrow, so that’s fun…  And that’s pretty much all that’s going on right now.  I also might be helping another local chapter with recruitment soon, so that’s fun.

September Fourth: September Eleventh

Recruitment starts today, yay!  This is a September fourth type post because I have to be at the house at eight am so I don’t have time to write a letter today.  So, let’s see….

I have an interview scheduled for this coming Wednesday, so yay!  Otherwise, I’m just applying to places still.  I may go for a couple of jobs right now as I need money and I don’t really have much else to do and I am used to being incredibly busy.  I mean, last year alone, I had school, a job, the sorority (where I was an officer), some other clubs, plus a social life to contend with.  So, busyness is something I really like, haha!

The first alumnae meeting is on Wednesday and I have to bring a dessert…

I am pretty cheered up as of late, just like I thought I would be.  Though I actually think Brody had a lot to do with that.

Steph and I might be going to the Rockies game tomorrow and Brody may join us–but a lot is up in the air.

The Cal game is today, but I can’t watch it because of recruitment.  So that’s a little sad, but I’ll deal.

I bought a suit…

And…  That’s pretty much it, I think.  So, yup, welcome to the eleventh September fourth style, haha.