A Monday Grab Bag

Today I’m feeling a bit better from yesterday.  I slept for part of the afternoon and most of the night and woke up this morning around six forty, which, yes, seems early, but I feel like you can wake up at whatever time if you wake up on your own, you know?  No alarm I just decided it was time to get up.  And that’s okay.

It’s been starting to get warm lately, so that’s good.  Tomorrow, I think I’m going to start running for a little bit.  I have a new exercise routine penned down and I’m pretty excited about it.  I’m thinking running/cardio two to three times a week and then abs, butt, arms, and whichever one I think needs more work on the fourth day.  So there’s that.

Later today is the Panhellenic meeting and National Badge Day (you can see my note about that last year).  And I also have a job interview for a new restaurant, which is great because I know people who work there now (so my chances are good) and it might get me out of the bakery, which is good as well.  I’ll have to talk about that within the week.

So that’s pretty much how things are going.  I’m also getting back into writing all the things that make me happy every day (something else I’m talking about later) and getting my blog organized so we don’t have the weeks where I get apathetic and leave content to the side.  March is all about organization!  Here we go.  See you all tomorrow.

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