National Badge Day

Today is National Badge Day, so wear your badge with pride and check out this fantastic article:

“Greek Badge Day is Approaching” by Christine Barr

An excerpt:

On Monday, March 7, don’t be surprised if you see small pins adorning the clothing of some people around town.

The National Panhellenic Council has made its annual badge day more inclusive by asking all the major Greek umbrella organizations to encourage their members to wear their badges.

I always try to mark the occasion with a column, because so many people are only aware of negative stereotypes of Greek organizations. “Animal House” and “Legally Blonde” are not representative of what fraternities and sororities are all about.

More than 150 years after their start, they continue to give men and women invaluable training, encourage philanthropy and help develop leaders.

It occurred to me earlier this year that I have now been a sorority member longer than I was not. It is an essential part of who I am. So much of what I’ve accomplished and what I’ve made of myself is due to being a sorority member.

Because I am a sorority member, I have an appreciation for the struggles of the first generation of college women, who overcame prejudice and discrimination by forming groups to support and guide themselves and those who came after them.

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