The Bucket List

I’ve decided to start talking about my Bucket List, so here are links to pages in which I talk about the things on my bucket list.  Here goes!

  • Travel:  All fifty states and at least one place out of the country.  I’m not picky.
  • Become a tennis “pro”:  I use this term loosely, as I would consider any skills better than my current ones would make me a “pro” in my eyes.
  • Teaching certification/Grad school
  • Learn to cook

I think that’s pretty much all I’ve talked about on here in passing or specifically.  More will be added as more comes up.

Perhaps sometimes I will document my bucket list journey through these.  In the post about traveling all fifty states, I mention the proper method of bucket list completion, which is going backwards.  Set the goal, then write the steps in order, but backwards.  It looks less daunting when you start with your goals.  Hence, the point of a bucket list.

Twenty-four Things Before Age Twenty-Four

You can find my twenty-four things here.

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