Tag Archive | September fourth

So I had a Post Planned for Today…

And then I got mysteriously sick.  I was dry heaving for no reason during my lunch with Stacey…  It was so weird.  So we went back to my apartment and played cards…

Anyway, then it started raining and thundering really loudly.  I just want a hug and no one is around to give me one.  So not only is it scary, it is also sad…  And if you remember, I hate the rain, really really hate it

So there’s that…

Anyway, I was talking about tips for being productive the other day and said I wanted to find a nice to-do list app.  I actually found one that is both computer and phone compatible called Astrid.  It’s only drawback is that it doesn’t leave room for ambiguous to-do items, only ones with definite completion dates.  But, it does provide a pop-up to remind me of things.  Right now, it’s telling me “Excuse me!  Write blog post.  You gotta finish it today!”  I’m glad it’s trying to keep me on top of things.

Anyway, so this is my blog post for the day…

Happy Earth Day?

So I got really sick last night and missed half of my double this morning.

But, I did get to sit outside at a pool for a little bit and foursquare gave me some points for being outside on Earth Day.

So, happy Earth Day, everyone?  I guess…

Help! I’m Just Really not Getting Anything Done Today…

So I have a bit of a to-do list today, cleaning mostly, which is always super exciting.  I also have plans later, so you would think I would want to get things done right?  Right?

Of course not.  Instead, I’ve been procrastinating all day and feeling sorry for myself over my head injury from Saturday.

So what have I done today with my exciting day off?  Well, this morning, I woke up at eight thirty and then I completed the following necessary daily tasks.

1.  I checked out my head injury and scrapes from Saturday (a daily necessity at the moment) and took a shower.

2.  I checked my text messages and worried about my phone memory still being full.

3.  I checked my email.

4.  I listened to Wagon Wheel.

5.  I googled the Hunger Games and looked it up on Wiki after Tony dragged me to it on Saturday.

6.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again while reading the aforementioned Wiki pages.

7.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again.

8.  I listened to my top 25 played songs on itunes while checking the Pac 12 blog on ESPN and catching up on the alma mater’s football news.

9.  I checked my site stats for the blog.

10.  I checked up on Pinterest and considered sending Addy an email about some artwork I pinned and the possibility of her doing something similar for me once I get my apartment.

11.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again, and I checked some of my favorite blogs: IHeart Organizing, Organizing Made Fun, and Poor Girl Eats Well

12.  I got hungry and started thinking about eating something.  I snacked on chips and queso.

13.  I was still hungry and opened the fridge repeatedly.  I looked through some of my recipes and lamented their cooking times.

14.  I got really hungry, poured myself a glass of sweet tea, and finally broke down and made a turkey sandwich. (Three ingredient recipe:  bread, mustard, turkey)

15.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again.

16.  I looked at my to-do list and realized I had yet to do anything on it and then wrote this blog post.

17.  I crossed one thing off my to-do list when I wrote this post.

18.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again and went back to an email I started writing to Larissa a few days ago.

So, as you can see, I have been extremely productive today (no I haven’t).  But, now that I have all of that out of the way, maybe I can actually be productive (or at least try).

But tomorrow, I think you will actually hear about the email I started writing to Larissa, so get excited.

The Post That’s Lamer than September Fourth

I was trying to get another update to the Montreal story up today, but I got distracted by an artist whose name I can’t remember.  So, hopefully the Montreal story will get out tomorrow…  But the guy’s name is going to bug me!

I went running today and watched Titanic.  This is what I do with my life.  Anyway, the exciting bit about that, though, is only fourteen more viewings to go.

Also trivia tomorrow, yay!

Ooh, and game night with Bree tonight, yay!

Some Concert Photos

Sometimes, I try to get some good content generated and it takes me a while because I get busy or I suck…  I’ll admit it, blogging daily is hard sometimes.  That’s how September fourth originated.  But people have started subscribing to me, so I always feel bad if I have an extreme lack of content while knowing there are readers.  And especially since I feel like I’m even less exciting now than back then.

So, rather than focus on a September fourth type post where I tell you that I’m busy with work, yay, and need money, boo, I’m going to post some pictures I took at a concert last summer.  Some of them are a little blurry, so I’ll only feature the best ones.  There’s actually sixty-seven all total, so enjoy the eighteen best.

One of my hobbies I don’t really talk about often is my love of photography.  I really like taking pictures, but usually they’re of my friends.  So, this is one of the few times I’ve taken photos of an event.  So enjoy.

These are from the June 21, 2010 Backstreet Boys concert in Colorado.

Happy February Fourteenth

So, I hope everyone enjoys someone else’s company today.  Happy V-Day.  Eat a lot of chocolate, smell a lot of roses, that sort of thing.


On an interesting note, happy twentieth anniversary for Silence of the Lambs…  Clearly a V-Day appropriate movie.


I need to start a club.  Where my single ladies at?  All of my friends are engaged….

Anyway, more interesting content tomorrow…  Maybe even more Montreal story.

Happy Birthday, Deidree!


So today is my twenty-third birthday.  Feel free to send presents or liquor.

I will be out all day, but I’ll definitely have stories to tell you later about the passport office and dinner and probably others.

So have a shot or something to celebrate my birthday or feel free to send me margaritas, mangoes, or vodka cran lemonades.

Also, the New York area airports are closed….  Snowmygosh 2010 is upon us.  I’m unhappy about this with my upcoming trip….  More news as it comes.

In the meantime, here are exciting things that happened during my twenty-second year:

  • I graduated from the alma mater
  • I became an alumna of my sorority
  • I got my awesome summer job
  • I have some form of employment
  • I think I’m smitten with a handsome man in New York
  • I planned travel for early 2010
  • My big visited me on my graduation
  • I actually traveled a lot!


In case you all haven’t noticed, my life is really mundane.  Here’s to an exciting twenty-third year.