Tag Archive | Bree

Falling Off the Woo Girl Wagon

Admittedly, being a woo girl can be fairly difficult.  Last night, I had a bit of a hard time with my ambition to be a woo girl.

I think a lot of being a woo girl in a non-familiar situation is being a spectacle.  You try and make as many new acquaintances as possible to increase your recognizability, I suppose.

I’m rambling.  Bree and I went to the cowboy bar and I wore my pink cowboy hat.  Many people talked to us because of said cowboy hat, but then they all hit on Bree.

I lost my woo girl mojo.

I don’t know what it is about February that’s so depressing…  I’m just so excited for March.  Four days left!

(Sorry, this is a short post, here’s a blog comic from The Oatmeal about the worst thing about Valentine’s Day.)

Thirty Dollar Bar Profit

I was hanging out with Bree yesterday and we started discussing one time we made thirty dollars at a bar.  It’s a short story, but still funny.  Enjoy.

Bree and I went to a bar a couple of years ago on their karaoke night.  Much to our happiness, karaoke night was also ladies’ night, so we were able to drink for about five dollars per round.  I think it was $1.50 wells?

Anyway, we were enjoying ourselves and our drinks when a very hammered gentleman offered to buy us drinks.  We accepted.

Unfortunately, he was also told to leave the bar because of his intoxication.

But, he didn’t want us to go without him buying drinks for us.  So he pulled a few bills out of his wallet and told us to have our next couple rounds on him.

We figured he’d given us ten dollars or something, but long after he left we checked and he had given us sixty dollars.  He hadn’t given us a number or anything and that far into the night, we didn’t plan on spending sixty dollars on our $1.50 wells.

So we split the money between us and had thirty dollars each.

The next day, when we told our friends that we both made thirty dollars at the bar the night before, they all asked “What were you doing?!”

Counterproductive Success

I like to talk about social quotients and social laws of proportionality sometimes here at Help!   I’m Post-Grad.  I haven’t thought of a good name for these as a whole…  But maybe something like “social mathematics” would be an appropriate term?  Social statistics?  I don’t really ever go into stats for anyone, so I don’t know if statistics are an apt description.  I think social mathematics is a good way to describes these things.

Anyway, today is another social mathematics day.  We’ll be discussing counterproductive success.

Steph is the perfect example of counterproductive success.  At any given time in her life, she is unable to be successful on all fronts.  She either is successful in her academic/professional life or she is successful in her personal life.

Steph is very focused on school and career, but during the last few months of 2010, she was in Arizona with Cam.  Now that she’s back in grad school at the alma mater, she is now a good sixteen hour drive from Cam.  This is a bigger picture version, but small things happen in similar instances.  Such as when she was applying for grad schools, she and Cam had a huge fight.  Things like this happen all the time.  I’m curious,  but terrified, to see what happens when Cam eventually proposes…  It’s the way the universe seems to work in this case.

Bree has a similar version of counterproductive success

I don’t really fall under counterproductive success scales, unfortunately.  I don’t know what it is about me, but I’m pretty much an all or nothing kind of girl.  Either everything is amazing or everything is horrible.  I don’t get that nice compromise.  I’m kind of jealous, actually.

What I do get, though, is that whenever I’m either all up or all down, someone else I know is in the exact opposite situation.

There are those people who seem to have their lives completely together and may or may not be ignoring the “personal” aspect, which is probably why their life is all “completely together,” since they’re ignoring half of the total package.  Most of these people are men, so I’m ignoring that, because I’ve been discussing male behavior with Steph and Bree lately and I think it falls into a completely different social mathematics category.  Next time.

I’m pretty sure that ninety percent of the time, counterproductive success only applies to women anyway.  So there’s that too.

But I digress.

Take for instance, Larissa.  Right now we’re on opposite ends of the spectrum.  I’m basically all down and she’s basically all up.  I don’t know how though, and that’s what bothers me.  I think a lot of it is luck, honestly.  But this is the “grass is greener” subtext of counterproductive success.  Some people make things look easy.

I’ve been the one who makes it look easy before, so I don’t really know.

But, I guess the nice thing is that everything looks up eventually.  So I’m putting in the effort now, to be up flawlessly later.

I think that even in this case, success isn’t really just spontaneous, so it does take a lot of hard work.  Except with Larissa right now…  I really think this is all luck or the planets aligning.  I don’t even know.  She seems to be on a lucky streak right now and I am just at a loss.

So Apparently I’m an Alcoholic…

This story started back on my birthday, so get excited.

If you recall, the morning of my birthday, I went to the passport office at the first available (though unnecessary) appointment I could get.

Well, since I was already up and ready to go, I decided to run some errands that morning.  Bree had been having a difficult time right around my birthday and christmas, so I went with the young twenties tried and true solution: alcohol and a fun glass.  I figured that since I was out and about, I would stop by the liquor store to see if they were open.

The liquor store opens at nine am daily.  Who knew?  So,  anyway, I stopped in and found a tasty bottle of wine.  I took it up to the counter and showed my id to the woman working.  She picked it up, examined, handed it back to me and said “Starting your birthday early?”

I was confused at first, but I figured it out shortly afterward.  “Oh, no, I kind of forgot it was my birthday, I just had to stop in.”

Not that I necessarily forgot it was my birthday per se, I just didn’t associate that stop at the liquor store with celebrating my birthday (if that makes sense).

She gave me a sly smile and handed me my id and the wine bottle I’d purchased.

I went back on New Year’s Eve, after I got off work, and purchased a couple of things for the party I was co-hosting with Larissa.  As my luck would have it, the same woman who had been working the morning of my birthday was also working then.  She also happened to ring out my purchase of about four bottles of alcohol.  I quietly told her I wasn’t an alcoholic and she told me she wasn’t judging me.

I had planned to bring a particular beer from the alma mater’s town up to New York with me for Shawn, since they don’t really sell our western brews that far up the east coast.  I figured while I was there, I would ask if they had more or if what they had on the floor was all they had in stock.

So the woman who had helped me had another employee, a male, look up their six packs in the system.  They only had three and they wouldn’t be getting any more in by Monday or Tuesday when I had planned to come in and get them…

That was when the liquor store offered to hold beer for me.

So, I have two six-packs of beer on hold for me at the liquor store.  I think now is definitely a good time to defend my alcoholism.

A Recap of Deidree’s Birthday

I went to the Passport Office in the morning and I later met up with Bree for lunch.  We also went and looked at some apartments that Bree was interested in moving to.

I met up with Bree later and we headed to Ole Ole (this is just what I called Casa Bonita all night, haha).  I ate nachos and they were pretty good, but I was so envious of Kelsey’s taco salad.

Larissa brought her new boyfriend and Hailey brought Russell.

Melissa was also able to make it.  Since Allie and her friend had come earlier, we met up with them a bit later.

We toured the cave and saw some cliff diving.  A magician did a trick for us.  There was also a gorilla.  Old timey pictures were more expensive than I remembered and that was sad.  I did wear a sombrero in the gift shop though.

Everyone parted ways pretty early (this is what happens when your birthday is on a monday) and so that left Bree and I to tour Denver alone.

We met some interesting people and our friend Kaley met up with us downtown.

Lots of men offered to buy us drinks because of my tiara, but I lamely got really tired really early because of my 6:45 am wake up schedule from last week.  Shawn also pulled me away from my drinks to wish me a second happy birthday once his flight landed back in New York.

Larissa got me an adorable pink penguin, a penguin mug, and a Casa Bonita light up butterfly.  Bree got me a monogrammed wine glass.

It was a pretty lovely birthday, thanks for asking.

The NYC area airports are operating in a limited capacity today and hopefully they will be operating at full capacity soon.

BYOB (Bring Your Own Boyfriend?) part two

The story of BYOB style clubbing continues!

So Bree and Blake ended up in our car with Evan driving.  As I said before, he was unfamiliar with the area and was relying on the poor directions given to him by Bree and I.  Blake had never gone clubbing with the two of us at this point in time.

Bree and I only vaguely remembered where it was, and we didn’t know the actual cross streets then.  We remembered it based on what was across the street.  It happened to be an Arby’s.

At the time we reached the club we were headed for, the four of us were immersed in our conversation and missed our landmarks.  We ended up about five streets away before we finally figured out that we had passed it.  We told Evan he should make a left turn when he got a chance.

He then misread a street sign and ended up turning onto a one-way street that was poorly marked in the dark.

Blake and Bree shouted “STOP!!!!!!” at the same time I exclaimed “Evan!” in a quieter voice.

“What?”  He was visibly shaken from the sudden yelling, but it was only a slight twitch.

“This is a one way street! Are you a fucking moron?!”  Blake yelled at him.

Evan ended up pulling a three-point U-turn of crazy that would be impossible to perform during the day.  “It wasn’t marked very well.”

Blake continued his rant, “Just because you’re from California doesn’t give you an excuse to  drive poorly.”

Bree shrugged.  “I turn on to one-way streets all the time, and I’m from Colorado.”

I nodded.  “Me too, it’s an easy mistake to make.”

Blake shook his head.  “Why did we let the Californian drive?”

“Because you would have hit someone when you did that U-turn,” I responded matter-of-factly.

“I wouldn’t have.”  Blake protested.  “And I wouldn’t have gotten us lost.”

Bree chuckled a little.  “Technically Deidree and I are getting us lost.”

After that incident, Blake was still angry, but Evan managed to get us to our destination after Bree and I kept a more careful lookout for our landmarks.

Once we were inside, everyone congregated around the house music floor, but Amy and I asked Evan to accompany us down to the hip hop floor.

As we were heading down the stairs, I did a sort of hobble and jump and ended up back on my feet.

I turned back to Evan, “Evan, why didn’t you try to catch me?”

“The way you were going down, I would have fallen on top of you.”  He paused momentarily, “But that was really impressive.”


Larissa ended up getting kicked out of the club later.  (Yes, I’m covering highlights of the night and not giving you the full information about things that probably interest you the most.)


On the way home, Evan and I ended up having a conversation about Blake being a jerk.

“Who does that guy think he is?  The fucking border police?”  Evan was disgruntled.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

“He’s a fucking poser.  His car isn’t that great.”

“Obviously, you kept up with him in an SUV.”

“He’s fucking compensating.”

“At least you’re not.”

Evan turned to me.  “Thank you, by the way…”

“For complimenting your….”

Evan laughed, “No, for saying my name when I accidentally turned on the one way street.”

“Oh sure, no problem…  Why?”

“If you had said ‘STOP!’ in that same tone of voice, I probably would have stopped the car and beat the shit out of him from frustration.”

I laughed a little, “And you wouldn’t have even been out of line!”

BYOB (Bring Your Own Boyfriend?) part one

This is one of those times where BYOB doesn’t mean “Bring Your Own Beer” (“Bring Your Own Beverage” just isn’t enough, sorry) and is a clever play on words…  Well, I though it was clever when I told it to my friends to set up the event.  So I was talking about how Evan and I discussed possibly going clubbing and I got all my friends in on the actual event.  There were a couple of events during it that stick out in my mind and I don’t remember which ones I’ve talked about already.  Two involved rain and me tripping down the stairs and the others revolved around Evan’s Californianess.  So, here goes.

So we all went out to dinner (the one mentioned in “The BS Quotient“) and then headed to Blake’s place in our separate vehicles.  Blake and Bree drove together, Evan and I were together, Steph and Cam were together, Amy drove herself, and Larissa headed over later.  I think she had been trying to convince Jason to come with her.

Blake and Bree gave everyone directions and we all hoped for the best.  Since I’m terrible at directions and Evan wasn’t very familiar with the area of town, we decided to stay as close to Blake’s car as possible.  Blake ended up speeding like a demon, and yet, Evan was able to keep up with him.  Once we all reached Blake’s apartment, Blake came to the realization that we had followed him and not a random stranger.

“I didn’t know that it was you two that were so close behind us.”  Blake protested.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize, “I called Bree, but she didn’t pick up.”

Bree looked at her phone and confirmed that she had a missed call from me.

Blake crossed his arms and turned to Evan, “I’m surprised you kept up.”

“It was a little hard…”  I think that was a large confession for Evan to make.

Bree turned to Blake, “How fast were you going if it was hard for them to keep up?  I know you were trying to show me how fast your car could go, but I didn’t think it was that fast.”

Blake shrugged.  “Hundred twenty.”

Bree gaped.  “You were going one hundred and twenty miles per hour?”  She hit him, though it was a light hit.

“You said you wanted to see how fast she went…  And there was this guy tailing me the whole time.”  Blake rolled his eyes.

“Following you to your house because we were going together.”  Evan corrected.

Blake shrugged.  “It’s no surprise he was able to keep up.  You know they all drive crazy in California anyway.”

I grinned, “And have fewer accidents to boot.”

Blake was not happy about my interjection.

We hung out at Blake’s place for a bit while everyone congregated and then we sorted out carpools.  Evan and I offered to grab whoever wanted to come with us.  Steph and Cam declined to join a carpool because they were thinking of heading back to the alma mater’s town earlier in the night than Evan and I were.  Blake and Bree decided to be in our car, we also offered to take Amy, but she ended up riding with Larissa.

As we were leaving Blake’s apartment, there was a cascading water sound outside.  I had taken the time to curl my hair and was wearing an adorable sundress, which Evan had told me wasn’t very proper clubbing attire, but I was adorable, so I didn’t really care.

I put my hands over my head and then grabbed on to Evan with one of them instead.  “Oh no!  It’s raining outside!  My hair and dress will get all wet!  And my dress is white!”

By the time I finished talking, we were already outside.

“Are you covered in water?”  Evan asked me.


“Then it’s not raining.”

“It’s actually a fountain,” Bree commented, but only after I had already sounded like an idiot.

Part two tomorrow!

The BS Quotient

Hey guys.  First, good news.  My plane tickets are purchased and I will be off to New York early next year to see Shawn.  Yay!!

Now, today’s post.

I woke up this morning thinking about Evan.  I wasn’t really thinking about him, per se, but something I always associated with him.

If nothing else, Evan had the largest employment of the BS Quotient that I have ever seen.  While other people would see BS and accept it as flattery, Evan would recognize the BS immediately and ignore it without question.  He’s often been described as an overly sarcastic ass, so that may be where the BS Quotient originates.

My favorite example of him employing it is in regards to Larissa.

As much as I love Larissa, over the past few decades, I have become well versed in the level of BS she employs.  This is nothing against her, of course, just me acknowledging that she has her moments, like everyone.

The time she most employs said BS is when she is flirting with men, whether they are single men, men other women are interested in, or, yes, even the boyfriends of her friends.

Larissa has many interests, but when flirting with men, she will start listing all her stereotypically manly interests in succession.  A comment like “This past weekend we drove up to the mountains in my “car” (where “car” is not the actually car she owns, or wants, but a stereotypically manly car that has been worked over with a certain kind of souped up engine, for example) and shot some deer.  Then, when we got home, we drank beer and played video games for six hours.”  There are many problems with this, but most notably that there was a high likelihood that the weekend in question she had been at work and then went to a bar with me where she invariably told another potential male interest that she went drag racing… she didn’t.

While all of this is going on, of course, I am left flailing and end up bringing up my only probable common interest: college football.  I never say anything like “Oh, last year, I totally went to every bowl game and blah blah blah blah blah” because I didn’t and they know that I didn’t.

It probably wouldn’t be quite so annoying if Larissa only did this to random strangers, but you’ll note above that I said she did it to the boyfriends of her friends.

One time in particular that sticks out is when my friends were celebrating my twenty-second birthday at a brewery/restaurant and she ordered a bud light.  My boyfriend at the time, old Brody, quipped sarcastically “You’re really ordering a bud light at a brewery?”  To Larissa, of course, this was a green light to rattle off manly interests.  It took everything I had to get Brody back into conversation with Bree and her boyfriend Kegan, whom he knew personally.  He eventually did, but that didn’t stop Larissa from trying to keep bringing up manly interests until she talked about her taste in music.  As a music snob, that was when Brody’s BS meter went off, and probably Kegan’s too.

Evan, meanwhile (though admittedly I don’t remember the topic), had his BS meter go off much quicker in regards to Larissa.  Steph and I have talked about it and she remembers that group dinner like I do.  Evan ignored Larissa’s manly interests and preferred to continue whatever conversational topic was settled upon by me, Steph, Cam, Bree, and her then-boyfriend, Blake.  It wasn’t necessarily that Evan was ignoring her because she wasn’t coupled up (rather, her then-boyfriend had just opted not to come), but I think he saw through the listing of manly interests off the bat.

I do not mean this post as a discussion of Larissa’s habits and I do wonder sometimes if she knows she does it (it even happens while she is in a committed relationship).  Rather, it is to look at Evan’s BS Quotient.

As I have alluded to, the BS Quotient is the amount of BS a person will accept and tolerate before they realize it is in fact BS, thus causing the BS meter to go off.  In general, I have a pretty mid-level BS Quotient.  It isn’t necessarily a certain topic or subject that will set off a BS meter, but usually a person’s behavior.  I’ve become fairly adept at reading people, so after a certain level of conversation, I can tell whether someone is being sincere.  Obviously it also depends on how long I’ve known a person.  If a girl I just met started a “manly interests” conversation, for instance, I would give her the benefit of the doubt while I decided if it was sincere or a flirtatious ploy.  Sometimes it is actually sincere.  I’ve known Larissa so long that I can time my watch by her “manly interests” conversations, and then subsequently roll my eyes when they eventually happen.

Old Brody, as I mentioned, is more oblivious to BS, depending on the gender of his BS meter tester or the situation in which his BS meter is being tested.  However, subjects like music and certain sports will always set it off when necessary.

Evan, meanwhile, could be employed as a BS tracker for the CIA if such a profession existed.  I’m not saying it doesn’t, because it really just might, but to my knowledge, it doesn’t exist.   (If anyone from the CIA reads this and needs new BS trackers, I will do my best to put you in touch with Evan personally.)  Evan’s BS Quotient is so low that he knows within minutes whether or not someone is BSing or being sincere.  This inevitably leads to him giving said BSer the cold shoulder, which is likely what results in his being described as an overly sarcastic ass.

My point here, muddled as it may be, is that there is probably some good use for Evan’s extremely low BS meter.  That’s likely why I woke up thinking about it this morning.

A Call for Communication

So today was my rescheduled interview at the restaurant…  Kind of.  Apparently, they lost my application and the hiring manager wasn’t in today.  So, they asked me if I would be willing to fill out a second application (I really want the job, so of course).  Naturally, by the time I finished the application, the manager on duty told me that they were too busy to talk to me then and that the hiring manager would be going through applications Friday or Monday.  In other words, I won’t necessarily get another interview even though I was scheduled for one and they lost my application.  I only have the possibility for a second interview.  Seriously?  I may go and apply at their second location near me.  I really want this job.  And money-wise, I really need it.

Also, Shawn.  I told him to call me when he could, because I know he’s busy and sorting through flights and such is hard via text.  I know he’s busy, but I really do wish he would get back to me.

I also finally heard from Brody today.  Apparently things are too crazy for a two second text message back.  He also said he was too busy for something he already agreed to go to with me, so that’s really annoying.  He already agreed to go and it doesn’t conflict with the other things he has that day–that’s why he said he could go.  It’s just annoying.

Then there’s still Bree and her lack of communication.  At least Amy’s getting better at it.

Anyway, this is an open plea for better communication.  When someone tries to reach you, you should be able to get back them at your convenience.  Being busy is generally fine.  What’s not fine is not getting back to someone for days.  Especially when they have contacted you via text.  A text takes like two minutes to respond to, max.  One of my girls once said she was “prioritizing [her] text messages and just couldn’t respond to everyone.”  That doesn’t even make any sense given the time constraints of a text message (there really are none) and when she has unlimited texting.  People are just getting odd.  So, people, please, please, please communicate more.  Communicate better.  Don’t lose job applications.

Also, I’ve started getting sick and I want to cry a little.  I hate coughing.  Why do I always get sick?

Anyway, I’m a little behind on my NaNoing this month, so far, so I need to catch up on yesterday’s word count and today’s word count.  So later today or tomorrow, I will catch up on that.

Anyway, until tomorrow.


You know you’re from Colorado when…  You have to plan your Halloween costume so it fits over your coat.  Absolutely fitting on this sunny, mildly breezy, mid-sixties October day.  If you’re actually from Colorado, you’ll understand this even more.

In any case, in honor of this day finally being here:

Have a history of Halloween.

Also, 15 fun Halloween facts.

And one of my favorites, snopes.com’s Halloween section.  My favorite one is the Haunted House story, which I heard back in middle school.  The enthusiast in me wanted to find it and go to it (as an eleven-year-old).  Of course, as a twenty-one-year-old last year, I clearly would not have been a fan.  Last year, I went to a Haunted House with Bree, her boyfriend, and my ex, old Brody (before he was an ex).  I spent the entire time hiding in Brody’s jacket, if that says anything, haha.

Halloween Google Maps Through Life They forgot the part of your life where you spend Halloween in a bar.

And lastly, if you find yourself in the midst of a horror movie tonight:

Horror Movie Survival Guide

How to Survive a Horror Movie

The Halloween party yesterday went fine, though it did start off a bit awkwardly.  Tonight we’re (Larissa, Amy, and I’m not sure who else) headed back to the Cowboy Dance Bar.  Anyway, that’s pretty much Halloween.  If anyone wants to go to a corn maze for me, that would be lovely.