
To-Do List Tuesday

Rolling out a new feature here at the blog, yay!

So, lately I’ve been letting my cleaning and getting things done go by the wayside.  I’ll blame the GRE and work, but at least a bit of it is a lack of wanting to do things.

So, now I want you all to help hold me accountable!  Every Tuesday, I’m going to post my To-Do List for the day, or the week and we’ll see how much I get done!  Yay!

Feel free to respond with your To-Do Lists and progress too.


Clean the sink and dishes.  I actually found the Fly Lady through Budget Blonde and I think I could use her help.  Regiments are my favorite!

Put away laundry.  Yesterday I did laundry.  Today it’s time to put it away.

Beauty Bootcamp.  I picked up my dress yesterday, more on that later, but I want to make sure I continue to fit into it.

Pick a recipe.  I’m going to start working on the cooking thing.  So I’m going to pick a recipe to make this week.

Work on my address book.  I’ve decided I won’t get a new phone until I finish it.

This Week

Make that recipe.

Return to the restaurants I applied to and reiterate my interest.