
Help! I’m Out of Food in my Kitchen…

So I was supposed to get lunch with one of my friends today, but not the type of lunch where you gossip and catch up, but the type of lunch where he’s doing it for work and I’m going because I’m nice and will humor people.  Also, I get hungry.

Also, there’s no food in the kitchen.

Well, I overslept and our plans weren’t concrete anyway, so we decided to go after I get back from Texas.

But what do I eat for lunch now?

I’m always down for a peanut butter sandwich or a peanut butter and nutella sandwich, but I open the pantry, and…  There’s still no peanut butter.  And you can’t eat a nutella sandwich, that’s just not a lunch.  Unless you have bananas, which I do not.

Next I open the fridge.  Turkey meat!  Says it expired on the twenty-second…  When was the twenty-second?  Sunday…  Use by sell date?  Trash.

Ooh, mushrooms!  Well, these look slimy…  Trash.

Soup?  No, it’s too hot for soup.

Lettuce and a tomato?  I could make a salad.  Needs meat…  Shrimp?  Can’t have a tomato then.  Olives!  Carrots!

So I made a salad with shrimp, olives, carrots, and italian dressing.

Does this mean I’m becoming ingenious with my ingredients?  Am I a real cook?

Or am I just hungry and making do before a trip to the store?  Decisions….

I really do need peanut butter though.

Help! I’m Just Really not Getting Anything Done Today…

So I have a bit of a to-do list today, cleaning mostly, which is always super exciting.  I also have plans later, so you would think I would want to get things done right?  Right?

Of course not.  Instead, I’ve been procrastinating all day and feeling sorry for myself over my head injury from Saturday.

So what have I done today with my exciting day off?  Well, this morning, I woke up at eight thirty and then I completed the following necessary daily tasks.

1.  I checked out my head injury and scrapes from Saturday (a daily necessity at the moment) and took a shower.

2.  I checked my text messages and worried about my phone memory still being full.

3.  I checked my email.

4.  I listened to Wagon Wheel.

5.  I googled the Hunger Games and looked it up on Wiki after Tony dragged me to it on Saturday.

6.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again while reading the aforementioned Wiki pages.

7.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again.

8.  I listened to my top 25 played songs on itunes while checking the Pac 12 blog on ESPN and catching up on the alma mater’s football news.

9.  I checked my site stats for the blog.

10.  I checked up on Pinterest and considered sending Addy an email about some artwork I pinned and the possibility of her doing something similar for me once I get my apartment.

11.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again, and I checked some of my favorite blogs: IHeart Organizing, Organizing Made Fun, and Poor Girl Eats Well

12.  I got hungry and started thinking about eating something.  I snacked on chips and queso.

13.  I was still hungry and opened the fridge repeatedly.  I looked through some of my recipes and lamented their cooking times.

14.  I got really hungry, poured myself a glass of sweet tea, and finally broke down and made a turkey sandwich. (Three ingredient recipe:  bread, mustard, turkey)

15.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again.

16.  I looked at my to-do list and realized I had yet to do anything on it and then wrote this blog post.

17.  I crossed one thing off my to-do list when I wrote this post.

18.  I listened to Wagon Wheel again and went back to an email I started writing to Larissa a few days ago.

So, as you can see, I have been extremely productive today (no I haven’t).  But, now that I have all of that out of the way, maybe I can actually be productive (or at least try).

But tomorrow, I think you will actually hear about the email I started writing to Larissa, so get excited.

Help! I’m Having a Hard Time with Food

This is a post about food, I guess…

So lately I haven’t been eating…  Well, that’s not the quite wording, I haven’t been eating as much as normal.

I’m not hungry or starving or anything like that, I just lose interest in food sooner than usual, I guess.

Bree and I always joked that we were closet fat kids.  One of our worst habits (and I say our because we are basically soul mates) is that we both will eat food as long as it’s in front of us.  Chips?  Goners.  Nachos?  Same.  Sushi?  Oh the worst!  The night of my birthday this past year, Bree and I went out for sushi before my big birthday dinner and ate the whole plate, then went to the Rio with everybody else and I still ordered fajitas, ate one of them and the rice and beans on the plate.  Basically, we’re eating champions.

Another funny moment about food I was reflecting on today was when Rich and I were still seeing each other and he wanted to make me dinner (see it used to be going well, but more on that later, I guess).  He asked me what my favorite food was.  And I started naming things off I liked, like breakfast for dinner, pasta, pancakes, bread, you name it.  And so, I stopped and thought about it, and I finally said “I think my favorite food may be carbs.  And Rich, without skipping a beat, responded “That’s okay, my.  My favorite food is dairy.”  And as cheesy (literally, the next thing I said was “That’s so cheesy.” To which he responded, “Pretty delicious, right?”) as it was, it really meant something to me.  It was nice to hear someone else enjoy a  potentially weird attachment to food and share that with you.  I don’t know…  I enjoyed it.

Anyway, lately I’ve just lost interest in food halfway through eating it.  Something will sound good and I’ll make it or order it, but then I don’t want it anymore.  I don’t really know what’s going on.  I want to eat, I don’t necessarily avoid eating or anything.  I’m just not as excited about food anymore, I guess.  That’s what’s going on now, I guess.  Hopefully I get interested in food again soon.  Or, at least on the bright side, I’ll have lots and lots of leftovers and will never have to cook again.

Help! I’m Having Trouble Making my Bracket…

So if you are like me, you are ecstatically planning your bracket for March Madness.  Of course, if you are like me, then you are also having issues at certain places and your bracket is causing you ulcers and chest pains.  It’s been called the “Pride versus Prize conundrum”.  Do you make your bracket in support of your pride, your hopes, your dreams, your every will for college sports?  Or do you go with the smart pick statistically?  It’s difficult to say.  I do believe that when the alma mater defeats Kentucky, they can win the whole tournament.  But when will this happen exactly?  This year, I hope, but you see my conundrum here.

In all reality, no matter how perfectly you plan out your bracket, the person most likely to win any pool doesn’t make their choices based on pride or statistics or any general sports knowledge.  Even people who favor higher seeds usually miss out on maybe half their bracket.  Upsets and busters rule March Madness here, folks.

So, in the meantime, here are some good ways you can structure your bracket, if you like.


1.  Pick only teams with color schemes you like.  Is your favorite color blue?  Easy bracket, done.

2.  Pick only teams with the colors of your alma mater.  Why it just so happens that there are at least four teams with black and gold here.  One of whom is the alma mater.  Sounds good to me.

3.  Pick only teams with the colors of your sorority.  DG, G Phi, and Phi Mu may have some issues with that whole pink thing, sorry…


1.  Pick only teams with awesome mascots.  Buffalos?  Awesome.  Banana Slugs?  Not so awesome.  (The fighting banana slugs are not in the tournament, but I was just too lazy to find a mascot in the tournament I thought was a bit stupid, sorry fighting banana slugs.)

2.  Pick only teams whose mascot your mascot could eat (or beat up, whatever).  If your mascot is a tiger, you could probably eat a bulldog or a wolverine.  And if you are a spartan, you could probably enjoy snacking on said tiger or a delicious longhorn (mm, steak).  But let’s be honest here, trains eat just about anything if it doesn’t get out of the train’s way.  (I would mention a cyclone here, but their costume mascot is a bird, which has nothing to do with tornadoes and I’ve always thought it was stupid, welcome to my blog folks, where I bash everybody.)


1.  Support a conference.  I know, I know, during the year there is one team you can’t stand.  But if you’ve all made it this far, it’s now all of you versus all of them.  Support your conference.

2.  Support a region.  Are people nicer in the rockies?  I think so.  Pick only teams in one region, like the rockies, or the midwest or the south.  Whatever.

School related:

1.  Academic.  The winner of the tournament is the most prestigious academic institution.  Why hello there Harvard!

2.  All of these basketball teams are now the football teams, let’s go back to football season.  How nice to see you again ‘Bama.

3.  Top party schools?  March Madness inspires a lot of time at bars.  Why the heck not.  (Look it up, last year’s Playboy top party school is in fact in the tournament.)

4.  Pick only schools that have chapters of your sorority.  May as well, it’s what you care about the other eleven months of the year anyway.


1.  Draw names out of a hat.  Random at its best.

2.  Flip a coin.  You have a  fifty-fifty chance here, right?

3.  Close your eyes and choose.  Just point and see where you end up.

Stats!  Non-applicable Stats…:

1.  Higher seeds means better teams, right?  Sure…

2.  But there are always bracket busters.  Look, use whatever justification you like for all the sixteen seeds in the final four, it’s fine.

3.  Every Cinderella deserves her ball right?  Yes.  I agree.  Hence my issue with pride here, except I fully believe in our abilities.

In all reality, statistically speaking the person who actually follows college basketball won’t be the one who wins your bracket challenge.  So you’re probably better off choosing any of these solutions.