TSM Thursday 2012 Number Seven

And we’re back, TSM Thursday time.

Being excited for Easter mostly because it forces the rest of the world to conform to your joyful, sunny, pastel ideal just a little. TSM.  I adore Easter for that reason, except this year I work all day (both jobs), so I don’t even get to put on a frilly sundress for even a little bit.  I think I’ll go buy pastel ribbon or something.  But I was verbally scolded by both Steph and Larissa for searching for a purple and black sundress for opening day.  Baseball is a perfect sundress sport.  You’re outside the whole time.

My hair looks too good for this night to be over. TSM.   Sometimes this happens to me and I always find something else to do.  I’m just awesome like that.

“Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group, they’re rather stupid.” TSM.   I haven’t a comment for this except to note Rich’s continuing weirdness…  It’s extremely frustrating.  Also why is he checking in at every gym he goes to today?  It’s been an hour and he’s been to six…  He’s gotta be watching Sports Center on his couch and pretending to be productive.

April showers bring…really, really cute rainboots. TSM.   They do!  It snowed on Tuesday, so I got to break my rainboots out again after an uncharacteristically warm March.

Having my little do my hair while I type a paper. TSM.  My senior year fall formal, I had a paper due that evening, so I was finishing it up while my grandlittle, Kirby, curled and styled my hair.  I am pretty much fantastic, don’t you know?

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