I’ve Hit a Wall

So I started coming down with something the other day.  I’ve narrowed it down to two options.  One, everyone at work is sick, so it was inevitable.  Two, on Wednesday, I picked up Larissa and Jake from the airport.  Before that, I saw Kelsey for a bit and she was sick.  Then once I got to the airport, Jake was also sick.  I was probably just doomed in general.

Anyway, today I’ve just been exhausted and I’m not functioning well.

So rather than rant or rave about anything in particular, I’ll just say this.  This is an open note to the universe.  I don’t always understand what you do, but I’ll figure it out eventually, I guess.  Just once it would be nice to see things work out the way I’d like them to, you know?  But, I will simply send out positive feelings and see what happens.

Take from that what you will.

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