Archive | September 22, 2011

TSM Thursday Number Six

Welcome back, y’all!  Here’s this Thursday’s installment.

I’m not clumsy…the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall gets in the way. TSM.  Vic was talking to me the other day about all of my bruises.  He asked where they were from.  That’s a good question…  He then made fun of me for not knowing where anything was from.  It’s not my fault.  The world has it out for me some days.

It’s not a hangover. It’s wine flu. TSM.  OH my gosh, last Saturday.  This is exactly how I felt.

Dancing on a sister until the creeper goes away. TSM.  True story, this is the best way to avoid creepy guys at dance clubs.  Bars, I don’t really have this problem, but dance clubs in Denver?  Definitely.

I don’t understand how the US Postal Service is lacking business. I always mail my handwritten thank-you cards. TSM.  I give them so much business with my notes, postcards, cookies around the holidays.  All sorts of stuff.

Stunting a girl up to get a tack off the wall instead of using a ladder. TSM.  There was one time my sophomore year of college that we had an outside philanthropy and we brought one of our banners to hang on the wall.  We couldn’t quite reach it from the floor, so we piled together and everyone else decided that I was the smallest.  So they all stunted me up to get the banner up on the wall.  Who needs ladders?  Clearly.