Archive | September 15, 2011

TSM Thursday Number Five

And we’re back!  Here are some more Thursday TSMs to brighten your day.

You and 56 other friends are now friends with (insert new baby name here). TSM.  This may have been my favorite part about new members and FB, they were big on friending within the night.  I also liked “You have X amount of new friends, yay!”

Can’t be awake and alert for classes at 11:00am, but can be awake and alert for recruitment at 6:00am. TSM.  Definitely replace “classes” with work, but I feel like I was always more prepared for sorority functions than I am for work.  If only work was the sorority, right?

A big’s greatest treasure is her little. TSM.  I love them.  That is all.

I don’t want a knight in shining armor, I want a knight in chinos. TSM.  Knights in shining armor are unnecessary.  The perfect man doesn’t need to be stereotypical, just perfect for me.

The higher the heel, the better the work out. TSM.  So true.  My nice calves and butt?  High heel workouts.