TSM Thursday Number Four

Welcome back to TSM Thursday from our Wednesday move last week.  Let’s get started.

Being completely responsible for getting glitter all over your boyfriend’s bed. TSM.  I’ve done this several times.  I painted Lilac’s clipboard in Evan’s bed a few years ago.  I colored Christmas cards in old Brody’s bed.  The list goes on.  Crafting happens.

My Lilly dresses truly mess up the color-coding in my closet. TSM.  I don’t own any Lilly dresses yet (it’s a dream of mine; perhaps I can find a lovely one for a bargain), but many of my sundresses do cause this problem.  How do you color organize something that’s not all one color?  Very hard.

Our littles are so cute I want to take eight of them and be Octo-Big. TSM.  I see this all the time with the newer members and I loved being a three time Big.  It would be great to go back and take more and more.  My family is big on multiple Littles.  Erika was a trend-setter.

Your looks get you to the bedroom, your personality gets you to dinner. TSM.  I am a full believer in this.  Any pretty girl can get a guy to take her home.  But you have to have looks and a personality to get a date.

The night before bid day is like Christmas Eve, but better. TSM.  I have had trouble sleeping before every Bid Day.  Formal…  Informal…  Mine…  Someone else’s…  Whatever.  Getting pledges is exciting!

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