To The Class of 2015 Part Five

Dear Pledge Class of 2011,

Today is your last experience with recruitment before Bid Day.  You have been welcomed into the homes of the alma mater’s sororities and you can treasure that experience for life.  Tomorrow, you will hopefully get a bid from one of them, and that is an experience you can treasure for a lifetime.

I was helping Lilac move yesterday and we were eating pizza afterward and discussing our time in the house (and my future Southern husband, but that’s a discussion for another day).

Lilac told me this:

“You know, we didn’t really get along when we first met.”

I laughed, “No.”

“You had such an enthusiasm for everything.  And it was kind of intimidating…  Especially for someone like me, you know?”

“It wasn’t even just the house you know.”

She laughed too, “No, you get pretty excited about everything.  But you know, that’s one of my favorite things about you now.  And now that I’m out of the house, I’m honestly so glad you got to be my Big.  You’re arguably one of my closest friends these days.”

Pledge Class of 2011, that’s what being in a sorority is all about.  Sure you’ll love the parties and the events and the fraternities while you’re there, but a sorority is about a lifelong commitment to scholarship, leadership, service, and especially sisterhood.

Hopefully you’ll get to enjoy that starting tomorrow.

Best of luck.

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