Archive | August 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

This is the most exciting anniversary in my life right now, apparently.

Happy anniversary, blog!

I’m looking back at what I wrote last year when I started this blog.  I never actually mentioned why I named it “Help!  I’m Post-Grad…”  But, sitting here a year later, it still seems fitting.

In college, you really carve your life out to be something.  You find the place you fit, the place you thrive, and you love every minute of it.

And then you graduate and get into the real world…

Where no one does crafts on the weekends.

And you’re not paired up with a fraternity gentleman living the dream.

And you can’t be a professional sorority girl…

I would give anything to be that more than anything.

In any case, here’s to our next year.  Raise your glasses to another margarita monday.