TSM Thursday Number Two

And we’re back again this thursday with more TSM!

Adding his fraternity letters at the end of his name in contacts, rather than his last name. TSM.  I’ve been going through my phone contacts to get my address book into my new planner and I’ve been coming up with a lot of names like “Andrew-Sig Ep” or “Mike-thought he was a Sig Nu, but he wasn’t!!!!” type names.  Am I keeping them?  Well sure.  You never know when I might need them.  I know who they are, I just don’t know their last names.

Using Pro-Con-Pro to make decisions in everyday life. TSM.   I Pro-Con-Con-Pro everything, including, but not limited to, potential boyfriends.  Pro-Con-Con-Pro is a way of life!

Straighten the back, accentuate the rack. TSM.  I stand like this all the time.  It’s a problem.  I often compare my apron at work to overalls because of this….  Is that weird?  No, no of course not.

Staying peppy and bubbly in a 10 hour recruitment workshop of chanting and I have a migraine. TSM.  I have learned to be bubbly through anything.  Tired and losing my voice?  You can bet I am still smiling.  Totally.

Break my Little’s heart, I break your face. TSM. I don’t even know how many times I’ve said this!!!!  You should probably call up Lilac and Stacey…  They can tell you for sure…  It’s quite a bit; I assure you.

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