TSM Thursday

So, since I’ve been gone for a bit, I thought I would introduce a new feature.  I’m pretty much in love with the site TSM because I find most of it extremely relatable and, often, hilarious.  So I thought that on Thursdays, I would like to give you some TSM quips.

Without further ado, here are today’s TSM moments:

The passport photographer got a little angry today. Sorry I can’t take a picture without a head tilt. TSM.  I don’t remember if I said so, but this is exactly what happened to me when I went to take my passport photos.  The photographer had to keep telling me “You’re not allowed to tilt your head.”  And I would sit up straight and perfect with a big smile, only to hear “Why are you tilting your head?”

Autocorrect needs to learn that it’s ok to add extra letters when I’m excitedddd!!! TSM.  True story, one of the “words” in my phone dictionary is “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!”  My second favorite is “mmmmiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss yyyyooooooooooouuuuuuuu!!!!”

You shouldn’t take me seriously when I say, “I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” TSM.  Ten minutes means half an hour.  Document that.

Changing a song’s lyrics for your house, and never singing the original words again. TSM.  One of my favorite things to do is sing loudly at the top of my lungs when I like a song (I’m one of those people, sorry…no I’m not).  So imagine how confused everyone was when I Will Survive came on at Hailey’s wedding and I started screaming “Parties, dances, football games, everywhere they say our name!”

First thing the biddies learn on bid day…Sorority squat: learn it, love it, live it. TSM.  When we were taking counselor pictures together, one of the girls shouted “Sorority Squat!” right before the photo; I was the only person actually in a sorority.  Just afterward, everyone asked “How is your sorority squat so perfect?”  This is my life!  Perfection or death!

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