A Kitchenware Bouquet, or If You Give Your Yak a Yurt

So the bridal shower was a lot of fun.  Addy is an excellent shower hostess.  We played a lot of fun games and Addy taught everyone a painting technique that is pretty cool (although I just can’t paint).

I also gave Hailey the most useful bouquet she will ever receive–a kitchenware bouquet.  It had a slotted spoon, a spatula, a coffee measure, an egg separator, tongs,  two mini spatulas, and a whisk all wrapped in tissue paper and ribbons to look like flowers and then I put them all into a fun vase.  I thought it was an adorable gift.  And everyone praised my creativity.

Only the maid of honor, Addy, knew of my Crate and Barrel dilemma and that I had only wrapped the gift ten minutes before the shower.  It still went well.

Larissa took photos and once I see them, I will show you all my kitchenware bouquet.

After the shower, Addy, Hailey, Steph, our friend Rachel, and I went out to dinner at noodles.  We started talking about Rachel’s sister going to Mongolia.

“I know nothing about Mongolia,” Rachel admitted, “So I looked it up.  They live in yurts…  And they have yaks!”

“That makes a great kid’s book,” I mused, “It’s like ‘If You Give Your Mouse a Cookie’…  But it’s ‘If You Give a Yak a Yurt’.”

This sent everyone into a fit of giggles.  We also talked about how the mouse was demanding.

The Yak also received several sequels to his first book, the best ones included:

“If You Give a Yak a Yo-Yo”

“If You Give a Yak a Yetti” (everyone’s clear favorite)

“If You Give Your Yurt a Yak”

And “If  Yoda You Give a Yak, Yes…”

Addy decided she was going to design some of them and possibly sell them as prints or shirts.  If this happens, I will let you all know, because obviously you clearly want one.

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