Why I Hate and Love Crate and Barrel

So I’m heading to Hailey’s wedding shower in a bit here, but I wanted to tell you all about why I hate and love Crate and Barrel.

As you know, I’ve started working my three jobs now and so I’ve had a very busy week and I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to get Hailey for her shower.  About a month ago, I picked up a set of towels and a spatula from work and was trying to decide between them.  Yesterday, I was at work and was talking to a woman with a gift registry.

Most of the things we had on that registry were linens and towels and she was puzzling through why she didn’t want to get towels for a wedding shower.  Finally she came to the conclusion that “Towels are probably the thing that brides and grooms need most, but no one oohs and aahs over towels.”  That’s when it hit me.  That’s the same reason I couldn’t decide between my towels and my spatula.  I wanted it to be something more presentably enjoyable.

So I decided to go with my spatula and head to another of Hailey’s registries, Crate and Barrel.

I love Crate and Barrel’s gadgets and things.  I guess their pricing is on par with my stores’ but I do feel it’s a bit more expensive.

Anyway, as it turns out, Crate and Barrel closes at seven on Saturdays.  Why?  Why do they close at seven?

I called Addy up and hurriedly asked her to remind me of Hailey’s registry number so I could look it up online and figure out what I wanted to get to streamline the process once I was there.  We also talked about how cheesy the wrapping paper was at Hallmark, because some of the wedding paper is really very very cheesy.

Anyway, I’m heading to the store soon to pick up my gift and then straight to the shower.  I’ll tell you all about the shower tomorrow.

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