A Cup of Instant Happiness with a Side of Sugar

People tend to go with life in a sort of constant state of affairs.  This is always this way.  That is always that way.

Does anything ever just make you so happy that your day instantly goes from mundane to great or bad to good?  I had one of those days yesterday.

I was at work, being bored and folding jeans because there were no customers and, well, it was pretty darn boring.  So I happened to check my phone at some random time, I forget when, and I saw that I had a text message from Shawn.  I was instantly having the best day ever.

We do talk pretty much every week, but about eighty percent of the time, I text him first.  See, the thing is, to text someone, you have to be thinking about them.  So, to see Shawn text me first, just randomly, meant that something made him think of me, and that made me really happy.  We talked about my new jobs and his school, how I was working, that he was visiting Manhattan, things we talk about normally, really.  Like I said, it’s really mundane.  But I was very glad to hear from him.  Also, I told him to visit the Justin Timberlake mosaic and the clam shaped potato famine memorial, which is a story for another day.

The other thing that makes me instantly happy is snail mail.  You know, you sort through your mail and you’re like bill, bill, ad for a restaurant I don’t plan on eating at, useless coupons, bill, credit card application, bill, bill, bill, a postcard!  I love you, postcard!

Steph and I have this tradition.  Any time we visit a new place or a landmark or what have you, we send the other one a postcard.  Even when Steph was living out in Arizona, she sent me postcards all the time when she would visit the Grand Canyon or something.

Between us, we probably have about half the United States covered, which is  pretty big postcard collecting feat.

So, on Saturday morning, there are two things that make me (and probably most people) instantly happy.

I wrote this for this morning, because I was thinking about you all.  Have a cup of instant happiness with a side of sugar on me.

And fine, here is the Justin Timberlake mosaic.  I know you all were curious.

I totally found this in the bathroom of some restaurant. Hilarious.

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