Are Bruises Required for Snow Bunnies?


This is pretty much how I felt about the entire process. I am totally sticking my tongue out.

So, I recently learned to ski on my ski weekend.  Be really excited for me!


We went up to Winter Park and the April weather was absolutely gorgeous.  Absolutely gorgeous.  If you were guaranteed to be standing the entire time, you really didn’t even need a jacket!  It was that nice.

I, however, wore my really ugly marshmallow puffy jacket because I was honestly guaranteed to be on my butt the entire time.  Actually, I fell a whole lot less than I was originally expecting.

The original plan was that Steph and I would go up with Dezi and his friend Anthony, but unfortunately, Steph ended up having work all weekend.  So it ended up being me and the boys again…  Seriously, I am spending way too much time with boys lately.  This is totally ruining my single girl image.  Instead, I look like one of those guys’ girls.  But that is a story for another day.  We’re talking about skiing.

So, we go up and Dezi spends pretty much the entire day with me on the runs with animal names like “Bunny Hill” or “Porcupine” or whatever.  apparently the animal names are meant to make them sound less scary.

I want to point out right now that this was my first time skiing.  I had never done it before due to some health insurance stuff when I was younger, also my family aren’t much of skiers.  And, the reason I wanted to learn how to ski is mostly because every time I end up out of Colorado, or I meet people from outside of Colorado, they always ask me “How much do you love to ski/snowboard?”

And I always have to say “I don’t know how to ski/snowboard.”

And then they say “How can you not know how to ski/snowboard?  The mountains are right there.”

And then “This isn’t South Park.  I don’t live in the mountains.  I live in a big city.  The mountains are like two hours away. (which isn’t bad, but it’s not like I can walk to the mountains.)  Also, not everyone in Colorado knows how to ski/snowboard.  I’m one of those people.” isn’t really an appropriate answer for whatever reason.

But now the next time someone asks me “How much do you love to ski/snowboard?”  I can say “Oh, well, I’m just learning actually.”  Which I’m sure will probably lead to pretty much the exact same conversation, but maybe a less verbally abusive version.

I wanted to learn to ski, rather than snowboard, is because I’ve heard skiing is better for beginners.  I also noticed that even experienced snowboarders spend a lot of time on their butts, so I figure I would start with the one where I was least likely to end up on my butt eighty percent of the time.

I fell about twenty times, except the last few of those weren’t my fault.  I was forced down a run I wasn’t prepared for and I was really wobbly.  So I blame my instructors.

I had a pretty good time, overall and I would do it again.

Oh, also I had a conversation with my mother about it later and she said “So did you spend most of your time being a snow bunny?”

And I said I did.

So she asked me why I would go up to learn and sit in a lodge most of the time.

That’s not a Colorado snow bunny.  Colorado snow bunnies are on the mountain.  I was on the mountain all day, except for like twenty minutes where I ate a muffin.

Also, I was annoyed that the food area stopped serving hot food.  I would have killed for something warm.

And, I really can’t think of what else I was going to say, so that’s pretty much my trip to learn how to ski.

2 thoughts on “Are Bruises Required for Snow Bunnies?

  1. I’ve never gone skiing but we are just now making plans for a trip to Park City, UT next Winter. And if I don’t do well with skiing I’ll have fun back at the lodge!

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