The Vegas Date

So you’ve heard a bit about Blake the engineer.  He’s leaving the state for work soon, although later than Steph and I originally thought.  So last weekend, we had a going away dinner and bar hopping for him.  The rest of the engineers passed on joining us, which was probably for the best.

Steph/Blake/Deidree may have welcomed the other engineers (and my sorority sisters) into our group with open arms, but it started as Steph/Blake/Deidree.  So if Blake was leaving, it should end as Steph/Blake/Deidree as well.

So we went out to eat at a fabulously tasty Mexican and margarita restaurant.  And you wouldn’t think that it should qualify as a margarita restaurant, but their margaritas are famous.  So yes, “margarita restaurant” is appropriate.  While we were there, we discussed Vegas.

See, the unfortunate thing about my current friend group is that it is composed of people who, if they convert their salary pay to hourly pay, make about $20/hour.  If you compare that with my minimum wage, it’s kind of sad…  Not that I would ever make $20/hour as a teacher either, but at that point, it’s not really about the money.  I do need money to get there, but this is about Vegas.

So, I kept pushing the road trip, but there is a downside to the $20/hour, my engineers don’t get a lot of vacation time, definitely not until at least August, and not enough for a road trip.

But, they told me that if I was worried about the plane ticket (which I was), they would help me.  I really love my friends.

Steph had one condition, though: we had to be the type of people who would dress up and do Vegas.

She had gone once with our friend Renee and Renee’s boyfriend at the time.  The two of them did not want to dress up and would go in whatever they happened to pack for going to lunch or something.  (I haven’t gotten that far in the Montreal story, but it’s the difference between what you’ll soon hear me describe as “enough clothes to go out in upstate New York, but unacceptable for going out in Montreal.”)

Steph calls it the difference between going to Vegas (Renee and her ex-boyfriend) and doing Vegas.  “Deidree, you’ll dress to the nines for the heck of it.”  This resulted in an “oh please” gesture from me (actually, she’s absolutely right).  “And Blake, you’ll do what we tell you to.”  He just shrugged and nodded.

This was the point when Blake and I made a pact, with Steph as the Vegas commissioner.  We all agreed that we wanted a drama free Vegas.  So, because of that, Blake and I would be Vegas dates.  And Steph’s boyfriend Cam would come, obviously.

The only amendment to this was if we both had significant others at the time of the Vegas trip, that they would also join us.  One, or none (obviously), would result in the upholding of the previously made Vegas date pact.

This trip is going to be awesome.

And, because it’s Tuesday, head on over to Diary of a Woo Girl for a Mardi Gras summary.

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