Archive | October 12, 2010

Adjusting to Post-Grad Life

So, today Steph and I were supposed to have chat date, kind of like a Skype date, but I don’t have a webcam, so I have to talk on the phone like an ancient person.  Unfortunately, I never heard from Steph.  Actually, I haven’t heard from her all day.  I’m a bit upset, but generally I hear from her every single day in some form.  So I feel like in that case, it’s appropriate to give her some slack in that area.

But other people, not so much…

Like Shawn, Allie, Melissa, and a few other friends who are off in Grad school, I think that it’s no big deal if I don’t hear from them all the time.  They have a lot of things on their plates and I should be lenient with the time they do have to talk to me, right?

So why don’t I feel that way about other people?

People like Bree who make plans but don’t keep them, who I used to hear from all the time….  Or Hailey…  Why does it bother me when I don’t hear from them?  Is it a location thing?  All the people I’m lenient to, I can’t just drive over and see them.  But at the same time, I’m certainly lenient to Larissa and Brody who make a point to see me at least once a week.  That’s really all I ask, actually.  I just want to see people sometimes and not be ignored…

Today, I think I finally figured out my problem.  I’m having a hard time adjusting to Post-Grad life.  Not the working or saving money aspects and certainly not the scheduling–I’m a pro at that.  I think a lot of it has to do with people.

Back in college, I was Sorority Sue.  You needed something from me for the chapter, or even yourself, I was there in a flash.  Someone told me to be somewhere at a certain time in a certain outfit, I did it with a smile.  I was always really dependable.  And I had a full schedule.

I also had people around me all the time, regardless of what I was doing.  There was always someone to study with, go out with, eat dinner with, or even chat in the hallway while en route for a glass of water.

I think what’s hardest for me in Post-Grad life is the people aspect.  What do I do with my unscheduled time?  Well, I want to see people, of course.  But they’re not right there.  And I have to wait to hear back from them, not just run up to their room and find them there.  I didn’t see people like Bree or Steph all the time last year and I managed just fine.

I’m a bit perturbed admittedly, but I don’t want to be mean and I know that people just get busy some times.  I can’t really fault them on that, can I?  I don’t know, this is what I’ve been mulling over lately.