Archive | September 12, 2010

A Story About Recruitment

Recruitment went really well yesterday, so I am excited to see how it goes today!  I will come back later with a story from when I went through recruitment myself.

Also, yesterday Cal killed us, 7-52.  It was a bit sad, but certainly not unexpected.

I woke up late this morning, so I am rushing out the door!

Anyway, here’s my story about recruitment from when I was a freshman.  I was reminded of it because it happened during Philanthropy Rounds and today is Philanthropy Rounds for the girls going through recruitment this year.

My junior year of high school, I bought this awesome pair of dress pants.  They were pinstripe and made of a warmer material, so I could only wear them when it was colder.  So every time it snowed, I was so excited because I was able to wear my super cute pinstripe pants.  Unfortunately, when it snowed, well, it was also slick and snowy.  And you can’t wear those pants with tennis shoes and the rainboots as snowboots trend hadn’t started yet.  So, every time it snowed, I also wore an adorable pair of black high heels with a round toe with a bow.  So, in  any case, I wore this outfit pretty much anytime it snowed or froze for two years.  And Keith generally gave me a ride when it was cold, but sometimes I had to fend for myself.

So, by the time I got to my freshman year, I was pretty adept at walking in high heels in the snow.  Which, ironically enough, was perfect for deferred formal recruitment.

So on second datebook, philanthropy rounds and house tours, I put on my pinstripe pants and my polished round toe high heels with the bows and ran out to catch the bus, since I lived in the campus dorms.  It was almost full to the brim, but I knew I could make it on and fit.

Unfortunately, the director of Greek Life was out in the circle drive of the dorms and told me that it wasn’t safe to wear high heels and that I needed to change into more weather appropriate shoes.  Before I could protest about being late because I would miss the bus, he told me that he would give me a ride to campus.  I went back up to my dorm and put on my tennis shoes–I still didn’t have boots.  I carried my shoes in my hand and got a ride to the campus.

The part of this story that is most amusing is that this past year when Kristin and I were reminiscing about our memories in our sorority and she recounted the above story to me, in less words:

“Remember back when we were going through recruitment and I didn’t know you?”  She asked me.

“Well, sure,” I responded, “I don’t remember a lot about recruitment, but I remember going through it.”

“My favorite non-sorority memory was when I was on the bus the morning of philanthropy day and a blonde girl was running to the bus in high heels.  I was really jealous that she was able to run in her shoes!  And then we both got bids and I met her.  Actually, I’m still impressed in the kinds of shoes and conditions you can run in.”

We laughed about it.  And actually, that was the second time she told me that story.  The first time I heard that story from Kristin was right after we joined the house when we first met each other.