September Fourth: September Eleventh

Recruitment starts today, yay!  This is a September fourth type post because I have to be at the house at eight am so I don’t have time to write a letter today.  So, let’s see….

I have an interview scheduled for this coming Wednesday, so yay!  Otherwise, I’m just applying to places still.  I may go for a couple of jobs right now as I need money and I don’t really have much else to do and I am used to being incredibly busy.  I mean, last year alone, I had school, a job, the sorority (where I was an officer), some other clubs, plus a social life to contend with.  So, busyness is something I really like, haha!

The first alumnae meeting is on Wednesday and I have to bring a dessert…

I am pretty cheered up as of late, just like I thought I would be.  Though I actually think Brody had a lot to do with that.

Steph and I might be going to the Rockies game tomorrow and Brody may join us–but a lot is up in the air.

The Cal game is today, but I can’t watch it because of recruitment.  So that’s a little sad, but I’ll deal.

I bought a suit…

And…  That’s pretty much it, I think.  So, yup, welcome to the eleventh September fourth style, haha.

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