September Fourth

Today, today I am an in a funk.  I haven’t got much to say about art or anything Septembery.  I am simply here because I made a promise to myself to write a post on this blog every day.  So, here is the post for September fourth.

I’ve been filling out job applications.  Hopefully something will come through soon.

Only one week until I will be helping with recruitment, and by then, I should be over my funk because, unlike everyone else, recruitment always cheers me up. And this year, it should be twice as cheerful because I can go home when everything’s said and done.  On the same note, I need to send my dues in to the Denver alumnae chapter by Monday.

This post is apparently mostly a to do list…

What else?  I finished reading Dead in the Family and I can only guess what will come next year.  I’m currently reading some of the short stories and am about to start Les Miserables, which is fitting for my mood…

The Rocky Mountain Showdown went off without a hitch, like I knew it would, and actually went much better than I thought.  The alma mater walked away with a 24-3 victory, so yay.  I love the start of the college football season.

And, yup, that’s pretty much September fourth.

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