Archive | January 2013

Happy New Year and the 26 Before 26!

Happy New Year, folks!  I know it’s been a while, but it seems every year there wouldn’t be some thing that comes up at the end of the year… every year.

Last year, I wrote this list on my phone while riding the Pacific Coastliner after Allie’s wedding.  This year I took a day to rest up after my extremely long and sticky New Year’s Eve at work.  But now here we are on the second and a new start to the new year.  Last year saw many things happen, change, and not change all at once.  But it’s a new year, and subsequently, time for a newish list.


1.  Travel to at least four new states.  This is a continual hold-over, but even though I have yet to get to four new states in a year, I have been able to travel more than before.  Last year I went to Pennsylvania and New York again.  I also made it to Texas for the first time ever.  This year, a flight is already booked for Vegas in February as well as a few other potential trips planned.  We’ll see what happens this year.

2.  Get my first apartment.  This is still a hold-over, but last year I managed to get on the waiting list for a good apartment and now it’s just a matter of playing the waiting game.

3.  Get my first car.  Still a hold-over, but should be coming come March.  Just waiting.

4.  Take up tennis seriously.  I had plans this summer at camp, but this year my plans may have to be a bit different.  I think I may take lessons.

5.  Finish engineering bingo.  Every year I put this back on the list and still fall one short.  I’m not sure if I want to keep it on the list, but it’s here for now.

6.  Ride a horse.  This year it will happen.  It gets harder with Larissa moving, but I imagine we’ll get this  done.

7.  Get back into dance.  I still want to do this.  Bree and I have talked about starting Zumba together.  So there’s a start.

8.  Go gambling and win.  February.  It’s happening.  Gotta allocate a tiny bit of money for that.

9.  Be a model.  The other Deidree and I talked about doing a pin-up shoot.  Sounds fun.

10.  Host a dinner party.  I still want to host a dinner party, or any sort of party.  It will come.  I have ideas for that.

11.  Complete NaNoWriMo.  Last year I had no inspiration.  This year I will put more effort into starting the planning in October instead of getting to November and throwing my hands up.

12.  Try skiing again.  I really need to work on this to get it off my list.  It will be good.

13.  Career applicable volunteering.  I bought a gift for a Polish orphan last year and it made me smile so much.  I want to get back to working with kids, especially with the void of camp.

14.  Get more involved in Greek life.  I think I want to start volunteering with the fraternity in a bigger capacity.

15.  Go to a road game the alma mater wins.  It will happen this year!  I believe in the alma mater’s prospects.

16.  Pick up something active.  Maybe run more than one 5K every three months.  If I continue with that plan, February is coming up, though.

17.  Track monthly/weekly spending.  This year I want to get on top of my budget, so I’m planning on staying on top of my spending.

18.  Create and maintain a budget.  I’m planning on getting on top of where my money goes, so it’s only logical to get a budget started and stay within that.

19.  Create and maintain an exercise plan.  I want fit arms.  This is pretty much what this boils down to.  But obviously it’s bad to only focus on one aspect and not your overall health.

20.  Create and maintain a cleaning plan.  I don’t vacuum or dust as much as I should.  Routines help keep things together, so I want to be better about maintaining them.

21.  Try a new Pinterest recipe every two weeks.  I pin so many recipes to my boards, yet they sit there and look pretty.  I want to maintain a Pinterest for a reason, not just to hoard a bunch of things I like.

22.  Try a new Pinterest craft every two weeks.  I miss crafting, and I find so many things I like and pin them to my boards.  So I should stop pinning and start doing.

23.  Get extra organized.  I have the main aspects I want to focus on, but 2013 in general is the year of organization for me.

24.  Become a Budget Beauty.  Last year was all about being a proper Belle.  This year is going to be all about continuing that for me, but also learning to live better within my means.

25.  Be better about blogging.  I missed you all this past year.  I want to try to be better about getting back into posting this year.

26.  Create and maintain traditions.  Last year I focused on sending out cards, I want to keep doing that.  Last year I also missed out on several of my traditions, so this year I want to make sure that I don’t forget about them.

And one to grow on:  Work on trying new things.  Sometimes, I get so stuck in my ways.  This year, I want to grow and change more.  There are always new things on the horizon and now’s as good a time as any to start.


What goals do you all have this year?  Tell me about them!