Archive | October 19, 2012

Hi Friends (and Football Friday)

Hi friends, we interrupt our semi-regularly scheduled football friday to bring you a life update.

So the computer decided that it was high time it had something wrong with it (I’m still not sure what happened), but there were gray bars everywhere and I knew something was wrong.

It was still under warranty, which means I spent no money getting it repaired.  But it was also under warranty and broke…  already.

So there’s that.  Anyway, this is only a brief explanation of where I’ve been.  The what I’ve been up to is coming.  Promise.

And now your regularly scheduled football friday.

Dear Coach,

I’m actually off by half-time tomorrow, so I get to enjoy part of an away game properly.  Try and pull out a win.  I know it’ll be hard, but try.

Thanks, Deidre — still loyal fan and still loyal season ticket holder