Dear October First 2012 (Part One)

Dear October First (again a day late),

You took your sweet time in getting here.  Actually, that’s a lie.  The Gentleman and I were talking at the football game on Saturday and time has just flown by these past few months.  I think it’s because all I do it work…

Anyway, this year I have a multi-part look at what I might be for Halloween this year.  Last year, I decided, with a heavy heart, that I couldn’t find anything I liked and, therefore, would not buy a new costume.  This year, I’m looking to change that.  But, so far I’m coming up with nothing I like.  Bree and I went shopping on Friday and she settled on a monster costume, which is just perfect for her.

I was at a bit of a loss and feeling discouraged after the trip, so we decided to try again tomorrow.

I am juggling a couple of ideas this year, but let’s start with a major one.


Okay, who doesn’t love a good princess costume?  I mean, really.  I’m leaning toward Cinderella with Belle in a close second.  Maybe Aurora.  Really anyone but Snow White.  Unfortunately, Snow White seems to be the one with an abundance of costumes in stores this year.  Probably because of Snow White and the Huntsman and Once Upon a Time, I imagine…  Screw you pop culture for messing with my plans.

In the meantime, here are pictures of princess costumes:


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