Archive | September 2012

Dear Coach

We take you away from our “regularly scheduled” Sunday Funday post (they’re coming, I promise) and instead have a short note for Coach.

Dear Coach,

Please, please do something.  This is painful to watch and people are angry.  I’m getting pretty upset myself and you know that I’ll support you until you give me a reason not to.  Don’t give me a reason, please.  DO SOMETHING.

Sincerely, Deidree–a devoted fan of  the program and season ticket holder

My Plan for the Weekend

Well other than working and seeing the boy, here is my current dilemma:

What my closet looks like now:

What it will look like after Monday:

So this isn’t entirely true.  My closet is actually more similar to the end goal, just a bit disorganized (I’m way too organized to just throw things wherever).  My current problem is that I’m not quite sure what all I have and I think I need to go through things and find a better way to organize them.

I realized this when I fell in love with these:

But, I have tons of jewelry I never wear!  It’s all compacted in a carrying case, so I never see it.  So I think my real goal here is to figure out what I have and make use of that before I go out and buy a bunch of new pieces.

Football Friday: I Remember Why I Love Football

I was going to write down my thoughts today on what would make the team better.  How I would tell Coach how much I hate the quarterback, how it was a mistake to give him a scholarship, how he should have gone with the Texas transfer, who should be making big plays, defense, offense, this that and the other.

And then, I turned on the tv after I got home from work; Remember the Titans was on.

Football is about playing a good game of ball.  It is, you can’t win if you don’t play a good game of ball.

But it’s also about tradition and belief.  Programs are built on traditions and belief that you can win and uphold those traditions.

Coach, you promote those traditions and that belief.  You believe in it.  I’ll keep believing in you.  People are mad right now though.  So, keep up that belief and play a better game of football tomorrow.  I know you can.