Archive | June 14, 2012

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Seventeen

Feeling both flattered and disgusted when you get a text from a GDI that says, “Hey! I just wanted to let you know that you’re beautiful.” TSM.   This happens to me quite a bit these days due to Lilac’s big plan.  I still don’t know how I feel about it…

It’s easier to be a good girl and prove you know how to have fun than it is to be a fun girl and prove you know how to be good. TSM.  This is very true.  Your actions proceed you more than I think most people realize.  I would rather people knew I was a good girl than thought the worst of me.  Plus, anyone can have a good time and you ought to know how to control that when necessary.  Don’t be a slut, basically….

I prefer products that are Made in America, including boyfriends. TSM.   Just wanted to reiterate this on flag day.

I don’t see the world in black and white, I see it in pink and glitter. TSM.  The world isn’t just one way or the other, it’s all shades of gray.  But I like to look on the sunny side, so let’s call it bright and shiny shades of gray instead.

Having a Hobby Lobby list longer than your grocery list. TSM.   So true.  I was making my packing list for camp this morning and I wrote “Crafts” on it.  I’m not sure what yet, but crafts are necessary.