Archive | June 13, 2012

Some Things I’ve Wanted to do Lately…

So there’s a few things I’ve wanted to do lately.  This post will be really boring, because there’s really not a lot here…

1.  Sleep.  I don’t know if this needs an explanation, but I’ve really wanted to sleep lately.

2.  Go to the zoo.  Apparently we have a new elephant habitat.  Also the zoo is awesome.  I want to see some miniature giraffes.

3.  Clean.  I don’t want to clean…  I guess I need to clean.  But every time I’m at work, I think to myself “Darn, I could be cleaning right now.”  But not when I’m at home, doing nothing.  Only at work…

4.  Go to the bank.  I keep saying I will and then I don’t…

5.  The post office…  Same as before….


Also related is my list with Larissa.  We don’t have a lot of time together.  She’s gone this weekend, I’m gone all summer, she and Jake are looking for apartments at their first duty station when I get back, and then we have maybe a month tops…  But probably not.  So here are the things we’ve said we need to do.

1.  Go horseback riding.  She is the accomplished horse rider among us and she has made it her personal goal to get me on a horse.

2.  Go to the amusement park.  Because that’s just fun.

3.  Eat taco bell.  We do this when one of us picks the other up from the airport.  It’s a thing…

4.  Everything else.  I guess it goes without saying that with so little time left, we have to make the most of it…


Anyway, there are some lists for today…  Yay…