Archive | June 12, 2012

One Week…

So I leave a week from today, well, actually by this time next week, I’ll already be on the east coast (but that may be beside the point). Rather than talk about what this means for me personally (and none of it is too good right now), let’s discuss what it means for the blog.

At the moment, there are about fifteen posts backlogged from May.  Yes, hopefully they will be getting up to the blog before I leave.  If they don’t, they’ll be getting up gradually during the time I’m gone.  (Same with the four I’m missing from this weekend.)

And I do mean gradually.  I know I will not be free every single night.  There are a few whole days that I know I will be free, but they will be packed with trips elsewhere.  The posts will come, just not as frequently, but hopefully more than last year at this time.

Most of our “regular” installments will probably not get up, but they might.

In general, just be patient with these things.

And… that’s pretty much all I’ve got today.