Archive | June 11, 2012

How do You Have this Conversation?

So I leave next week.  This is something I’ve prepared myself for.  But other people haven’t.

Larissa is one of those people who has not prepared herself.  She frequently invites me to things past next Tuesday, simply because she doesn’t want to remember that I’ll be gone during her last few months here.

I’ve also met a very great gentleman, but now I’m leaving.

We’ve talked about it, briefly.  But what now?

How do you ask someone, I know we basically just met, and I know this sounds crazy, but would you like to date me, maybe?  Also, it’s long distance…  I’ll be back in August.

I feel like most people would run away screaming.  And, I wouldn’t blame them.

This happened with Shawn and I two years ago.  Our solution?  Let’s not ever really settle the idea.

It’s not like I’ll be unable to communicate or anything like that, just not as frequently as we do now.

I’m just don’t know…  Timing is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?