Archive | June 10, 2012

Deidree Does Baseball… Without Larissa…

So I went to another baseball game last weekend, but without Larissa, because she was at a baby shower.  I went with a lovely gentleman, and then she met us downtown later with Dylan, and Tony…

If I can say nothing else for this guy, he put up with Tony, and well.  I’m impressed.

Larissa also fell in love with an arcade bar downtown and has insisted that we go back.  While we were there, I found the jukebox playing the music and put “Wagon Wheel” on.  I turned to the gentleman who accompanied me to the game and said “Wherever Larissa is in the bar right now, she will hear the song, laugh, and know that I put it on.”  As soon as I said that, she appeared right next to me and said “Oh my gosh, did you put this on?”  My gentleman friend almost jumped out of his skin.  It was hysterical.

The Rockies lost.

I turned last week’s free shirt into a dress.  I will have to post pictures of that soon.

That was pretty much Saturday.  Sorry, I am writing this after an eye dilation, so forgive me.