A Ping Lodged in Your Brain

I’m sure you’ve had this happen.  You wander around on any given day by yourself or with your friends and then something wedges itself in the back of your brain, you turn to your friend, and you say “You know what would be great….  Cheesecake.”

Now at this point, one of three things happens.

One:  Your friend says “Cheesecake would be great!” and you go get some.

Two:  Your friend says “No, that’s a terrible idea.” and you don’t.

Three:  You and your friend are in a big group and your friend say “Cheesecake would be great!” but someone else in the group shuts it down.

And then when you don’t get it, the idea inevitably wedges itself into your brain.

That one Wednesday I didn’t eat?  All I wanted was a grilled chicken sandwich.  So the next day, a little ping in the back of my brain chattered at me all day.  “You know what would be great, a grilled chicken sandwich.”  “Let’s go get a grilled chicken sandwich.”  “Hey!  Grilled chicken sandwich!”  “Who do think you are…  Running ’round leaving scars…  Collecting your jars of hearts…  Grilled chicken sandwich!”

So after work that day, Larissa, Dylan, and I went to the local bar and on their menu, it said that any of their burgers could be substituted with a grilled chicken breast.  And there was a sandwich with blue cheese and buffalo sauce and amazingness.  And I ordered it and it was the best grilled chicken sandwich ever.

But sometimes the opposite happens.  That cheesecake incident occurred at the Rockies game last Friday.  I told Amy we should get cheesecake, she loved the idea, Larissa did not.  So no cheesecake.

All Saturday and Sunday:  “Mmm, cheesecake…”  “How’s your White Rascal?  Wouldn’t it taste great with cheesecake?”  “Look at these shoes!  Cheesecake.”  “Headin’ down south to the land of the pines… Thumbin’ my way into North Caroline…  Starin’ up the road and pray to God I see–Cheesecake!”

So on Sunday, when I was in FoCo, after finishing dinner, despite that our current conversation was about staying physically fit and eating healthy, I burst out with “We should get cheesecake!”

And we did.  But I’ll be honest, that little ping in my head, despite being very vocal, had a smaller voice that also pinged “Make sure it’s from the Cheesecake Factory…”  So I got my cheesecake, and it was good, but I was still a little disappointed.

Does this ever happen to anyone else?  Right now the back of my head is pinging for a very cute pair of light blue and seersucker sperrys.

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