Archive | June 2, 2012

Larissa and Deidree do Baseball Again, and Amy too

Finally, our second baseball game of the season.  Larissa really wanted to go to the Braves, but we were in San Antonio at that time, and obviously she has her priorities in order (see husband graduate > Braves come to Denver).

So last week I started mentioning how I wanted to go to the Dodgers and the Angels.  And Larissa seemed sound with the idea of a night game, so off we went.  We got free t-shirts this time, yay, although they were all extra-large.  If you think you’re sensing a craft project, you are right!

Our seats were all the way up in the boonies, so we brought our margaritas and food and settled in for the game.

Some highlights:

The Dodgers have a player whose last name is De Jesus ( how you know it probably should be pronounced).  Amy noticed and shouted out “DE JESUS!!!” (how you totally wish it was pronounced).  I followed that with a heavenly chorus back up track and Amy postulated on the bright aura around him.  There was also a “De Jesus should play for the Angels” joke.  Yes, we went there.

Larissa and I got excited over our song again.

Amy and I sang some songs from Evita and Cats.

My koozie traveled to the game once again.  The koozie v. cozy fights resumed.  I need to do some research, I think.

I got in a fight with Larissa’s friend about Nebraska.

We postulated whether or not Manning gets his full $96 million if he succumbs to a neck injury.

Larissa thought her margarita was too salty and poured it into my glass.  It made the remainder of my margarita very salty.