Archive | June 1, 2012

June Resolution Check-In 2012

So I know May’s resolution check-in got lost in cyberspace.  You will see it.  I promise.  In  the meantime, let’s take a look at May, since it’s still in the process of being updated…

1.  Travel to at least four new states.  I didn’t get to see Melissa, but I have now officially been to Texas!  I know this only completes a quarter of this goal, but it also completes a quarter of this goal!  So excited.

5.  Go on a road trip.  Road trip 2012 is completed!  I have a post in the queue detailing the cities we drove through…  On the whole, not very exciting.

13.  “Once a month.”  May was busy for me.  I got to see Larissa and Jake quite a bit in Texas.  I saw Lilac, Stacey, the other Deidree, Tony, Dylan, Amy, Amanda, Addy, her husband Keith, Kelly, Megan, and Rachel just came back from Africa at the end of the month!  Lots of people.

14.  The Great Letter Writing Campaign.  Had a few birthdays and wrote to Seth.  Sent a postcard from Texas to Steph.  All in all, a good month.

15.  Personal pampering twice a month.  I sat out in the sun and got a tan.  Does that count?  I’m saying it counts.

18.  Keep a household.  I organized my closet and started a donation bag.  Yay!

19.  Craft once a week.  I have a picture frame for the GGG-Baby.  That’s about all I did…

25.  Work on writing.  I haven’t kept up with this as much as I would like.  I feel like it’s mostly catch-up these days.

May’s teaching career step:  Started work on the application.

How’s everyone else’s list going?  Have you chunked out a few things that you’re pretty proud of?  We’ll get May up soon, but otherwise, we’ll check back in July!