TSM Thursday 2012 Number Fourteen

The only bad thing about living with your big is deciding whether to caption your pictures “Big and Little” or “roomies.” TSM.  This happened to Stacey and I quite a bit when we roomed together.  I think we generally settled on “Big and Little.”

Always responding “Oh I LOVE her!” when someone asks if you know a girl in your sorority, even if you’ve only talked to her once. TSM.  I generally tend to say this whenever someone knows anyone I know.  Usually it’s true, but I remember one time when someone and I played the “who do you know that I know” game and I mentioned a guy I thought was really nice, but odds that they actually knew each other were low considering I only mentioned him because he was the only other person I’d ever met from New Mexico.  Well, the guy did know him from high school and called him a prick.  I was pretty upset and it colored our interactions from then on.  So it’s always better to err on the side of loving the person, just in case.  But like I said, it’s usually true since I love pretty much everybody.

I love life and it loves me right back. TSM.  This is my sunny disposition.  I figure life is too full of good things to be disappointed by the bad things that happen sometimes.

Big knows best. TSM.  Every time I try to give Lilac and Stacey advice and they ignore it, only to come back later and tell me that I was right, this is how I feel.  I don’t tell them that, but this always crosses my mind.

Getting married before the age of 25 sounds a lot like leaving a party before 10:00. TSM. Dylan has this bet going about which of our early wedded friends are going to divorce first.  I tell him that’s terrible and they will all be the exceptions.  But for myself, this is the idea I’m going with.

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