Archive | May 12, 2012

The Other Towns we Drove Through and Why Jason Aldean is a Crock Pot

So I mentioned our lovely trip through the Safety Corridor yesterday.  It was awful.  It was that awful, it bears mentioning twice.

We also drove through Amarillo twice.  On our way back, we stopped to have lunch at Cracker Barrel with one of Larissa’s friends.  Their biscuits are amazing and Larissa’s friend was nice.  We do have a couple of Cracker Barrels in Colorado, but I think I went to more on this trip than I have in the past year.  We also discussed going to the Draft Horse museum, but opted to keep driving instead.

On the way down to San Antonio, Larissa also killed every butterfly in the state of Texas.  I know this because there were no butterflies on the front of her car on the way back.

We also stopped in a little town called Fredricksburg on our way there.  We ate BBQ.  It was amazing.  I have nothing else to say on the subject.  It reminded me of the downtowns of smaller cities.  Very quaint.

On the way up, we drove through Dallas/Fort Worth to get to Arlington.  It was terrifying.  Worse than driving in LA and Manhattan.  You’re going to ask me if this is possible and I will stand by my assertion.  Terrfiying!

Arlington was nice, albeit our stay was short.  More on that tomorrow.

We then spent the night in Witchita Falls, Texas.  It was absolutely tiny.  I’m halfway convinced the only thing there was the AFB.  Our room there was actually a house.  It was impressive and cheap.  If the commissary hadn’t been closed, we could have cooked our own dinner!

We also drove through a town with a sign saying to elect Johnson for Constable.  I didn’t know towns still had constables.  We also contemplated how old the sign was and whether or not Johnson for Constable was still among the living.  No, I don’t remember what the town’s name was.  They have a constable…

And that’s pretty much our trip minus the San Antonio part.  And I will get there.

Now, why Jason Aldean is a crock pot.  Have you heard his song “Fly Over States”?  Well I get the meaning.  There’s more out there in the world than these big cities, blah blah blah.  These tiny towns pretty much suck.  I’ve seen a harvest moon in Kansas.  Not worth it.  I’ve met a girl from Amarillo.  Sure she was nice, but I’m nice and I don’t live in a fly-over state.  And is there a reason you didn’t mention Nebraska or Iowa, Jason?  Is it because you didn’t think you could convince people that Lincoln or Ames was worth going to?  It’s because they’re not.  Neither is Amarillo.  If you’d sung about the Safety Corridor, I think I would have punched you in the face.