Archive | April 26, 2012

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Ten

If you can’t spell Lilly Pulitzer you definitely shouldn’t be allowed to wear it. TSM.  This bugs me.  Steph has a Burberry bag she bought second-hand.  When she first got it, I was like “Ooh, cute Burberry bag.”  And she responded with, “It’s a what?”  Why can’t I ever find nice things serendipitously like that?

That terrifying moment when you realize you’re now at the top of the totem pole in fam pictures. TSM.   Terrifying.  Although technically if you’re a totem pole, you should be on the bottom, because you’re the foundation.  But I digress here…

Sure, accents are sexy. But guys who love America are sexier. TSM.   This is where Larissa and I differ.  She talks about while she was in Ireland a couple of years ago and on the rebound, “I didn’t know if all the men around me were really cute or just had hot accents.  It was troubling.”  Meanwhile, I can’t say the same.  Sure maybe an accent is sexy.  But I’d go for a Southern accent over a British accent any day.

The ever-present conflict of wearing your cute shoes out and knowing they’ll probably get ruined. TSM.   I trip all the time, so sometimes I feel like my shoes would be safer if they stayed home in their boxes.  My poor shoes.

Buying the Olympics themed laundry detergent because it has the American flag on it. TSM.  On Monday, I decided it was time for a new swim suit.  I found an American flag swimsuit and I fell in love.  Now it is mine.