Seth’s Going Away Party, and Jake’s Too PS. America.

Sunday was Seth’s going away party before he leaves us for basic training on Tuesday.  I realized that I never mentioned that Jake already left for basic back at the beginning of the month.

For Jake’s party, he and Larissa planned a swanky event that traversed the greater-Denver area and ended at a cigar bar, Jake’s favorite, that was close to their hotel for the night.

Seth had a BBQ at his house.  I brought him bourbon.  We went out to a local bar afterward.

Both of the events were very different, but very fitting for both of them.

I gave them both a card (I had given one to Colin too).  The sentiment was exactly the same.  “Our country is lucky to have you enlist.  So proud of you.  Ps.  America.”  Seriously, I couldn’t be prouder of these guys and I know that the Air Force (Army in Colin’s case) is lucky to have them.  They are hard-working and dedicated to this and they will come out of it great. So proud.

On a random note, I met another Deidree that Seth knows.  We decided we would be instant friends.  I think it’s pretty spot on.

PS. America.

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