TSM Thursday 2012 Number Five

March Madness caught my attention, so we’re just finally getting to TSM Thursday, sorry (I’m actually not, but I deferred to being polite here).

Drank vodka on St. Patrick’s Day. Green beer is for geeds. TSM.  While I do appreciate celebrating the season, and green beer is a tradition, I did drink vodka on Pats, so I liked this.  I also drank green purple drinks.  Does that make it a Green Drink?

I’ve never seen a soldier-coming-home show that didn’t make me cry. TSM.  I cry at just about everything, as I’ve mentioned before, but I’m painfully aware of things like this right now, what with Colin graduating last Thursday, Jake currently at basic, and Seth leaving on Tuesday.

Now that I have painted my nails, cleaned my room, organized my desk, and gone to the gym I can study. TSM.  Sounds like a typical way to avoid anything.  Unless it’s cleaning I’m trying to avoid, in which case I decide to organize my craft shelf or something.

Sprinkles are the glitter of baking. TSM.  So true!

The scene we cause when my little yells, “BIIIIGG!” and we run into each others arms. Every single time we see each other. TSM.  Stacey and I always do this.  I think it’s cute.  Everyone else probably thinks it’s obnoxious.  But who really sees this these days?

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