Archive | March 15, 2012

TSM Thursday 2012 Number Four

TSM Thursday!

Life is better monogrammed. TSM.  Life is better monogrammed!

“My sheets are monogrammed, so is my silverware and pretty much everything else I own. My rule is if it’s not moving, monogram it.” -Reese Witherspoon. TSM.  So you can see why I love this quote.  Also Reese is pretty much great, one of my favorite actresses for sure.

“But it was freshman year so it doesn’t really count.” TSM.  I think I’ve said this a few times about mildly stupid things I’ve done, but who hasn’t?

I’m so done with him…at least for tonight. TSM.  This is so true lately when it comes to Rich…  Some days I wash my hands of him, then I don’t, then I do.  I need to stop being hot and cold too, I guess.

Clicking on “Mutual Friends” to figure out what fraternity he’s in. TSM.  I always did this when I didn’t recognize the name.  It’s not nearly as useful now.